A Thick Aura Of Violence

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   Tord quickly seperated himself from Tom, scooting off of the bed and straightening his jacket out. He cleared his throat and fixed his posture so as to look more professional. As if two of his most trusted soldiers hadn't just walked in on him kissing who they assumed was his worst enemy.
   "What is it Pat? Spit it out," Tord sighed. Judging by his leader's expression, Pat knew he was going to pretend nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Pat decided to do the same in order to keep a professional tone with his boss.
   "Um... Yes sir, as I was saying, the ripper has returned from his excursion, and he has the medic with him," Pat began.
   "So? They have bonded quite a bit lately, so it's not like that comes as a surprise," Tord frowned.
   "Sir... The medic is injured, VERY injured, his wounds need to be treated but we have a bit of a dilemma," Pau cut in.
   "...He's the only one with any medical knowledge here," Tord chuckled.
   "Precisely," Pat nodded. Tord had a frustrated expression on his face. How had the medic gotten in trouble this time? He had only spoken to him maybe a day or two ago. When he had asked the medic about- Tord suddenly became all too aware of Tom's presence. The shorter man was still sitting up on Tord's bed, looking confused and more than a little flustered, not that Tord could really blame him given the situation.
   "Pau? Pat? Would you mind waiting outside for just a moment?" Tord asked.
   "Of course sir, we will wait outside the door for you," Pat dragged Pau out of the room with him, shutting the door behind them.
   "The medic... Is he that blond guy that you sent to check on me awhile back?" Tom asked.
   "That would be him."
   "Dang, I kinda liked that guy."
   "Don't worry yourself over it, it is none of your concern... Although getting your injuries examined may end up taking longer than we anticipated, what with the medic being out of commission," Tord explained.
   "Great," Tom's tone was dripping in sarcasm.
   "Will you be alright here? I need to go see what this is all about, I'll probably have Pau and Pat watch over for you while I'm out," Tord asked.
   "Yeah I'll uh... I'll be fine... Thanks," Tom mumbled. Tord nodded and began to walk to the door. Tom's voice called out to him just as his hand was on the doorknob. "H-Hey um... Are we going to talk about what just what happened or...?"
   "I mean if you're comfortable talking about it, maybe not now though since... Well... You know," Tord gestured towards the door.
   "Right... Right..." Tom trailed off. Tord took the time to glance over at him. He had a concentrated look on his face, no doubt deep in thought. Tord rushed over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek, making the brit tense up.
   "I'll be back soon... min kjærlighet," Tord made his way back to the door, opening it only to have Pau and Pat fall through. They got up quickly. "I swear, you two have no respect for privacy," Tord shook his head in shame.
   "Sorry sir, listening in was Pat's idea," Pau smirked.
   "What?! Don't throw me under the bus!" Pat glared at the other.
   "For some reason I highly doubt that, anyways, I need you two to stay here and guard Tom, if he needs anything, you get it for him," Tord ordered.
   "Wait so he's not being held prisoner anymore?" Pau asked.
   "No, he isn't a prisoner, he's a guest," Tord stated, winking at the still stunned man on his bed. He sauntered down the hall in the direction of the infirmary. Back to work mode. Tord had to wonder if the ripper had done something to the medic. It wasn't highly unlikely considering how volatile the man could be if pushed over the edge. Besides, he had already punched the medic once, what's a few more times to a man who tortures others for a living? Tord noticed that the infirmary door was open and decided to let himself in. The seamstress was sitting up in one of the infirmary beds, facing the one next to her. This bed contained the frail form of the medic. It was a tad jarring to see him in such a state, especially since the last time he had seen the medic, he was the pinnacle of health... Well, save from the small cut on his neck from Tord's knife. The ripper was hovering over the medic, trying his best to treat some of his injuries. He was... Not too good at it to say the least. The instructor seemed to be messing around with some of the machinery around the infirmary. The seamstress looked away from the sight for a second, only to widen her eyes at the sight of her leader standing in the doorway.
   "Red Leader!" The seamstress saluted, wincing at the pain in her abdomen. The instructor followed suit. The ripper, however, continued his futile attempts to treat the medic's wounds.
   "Ripper? Aren't you forgetting something?" Tord growled. The ripper begrudgingly paused his treatment attempts, giving a weak salute. "That's more like it, now, would anyone like to explain what the hell happened to the medic?" Tord sighed.
   "He was kidnapped by the blue navy... Shortly after he left your office," The ripper didn't hesitate to glare at his leader. Tord probably would glared back had it not been for the ripper adjusting himself so that he was in his "attack position."
   "Kidnapped? Then how is he here? A rescue attempt would take weeks considering the distance between us and the blue navy..."
   "I went and rescued him myself," The ripper's glare refused to ease up.
   "You went on an unauthorized rescue mission? You do realize the punishment for such an offense, yes?" Tord threatened the much more intimidating man prepared to attack at any second.
   "With all do respect sir, David is our medic, without our only medic, the entire army could fall at any second, by rescuing him myself, I probably saved us many injuries and casualties," The ripper tried to reason.
   "I'll deal with your insolence later, for now we need to figure out what to do with the medic," Tord rolled his eyes.
   "I hate to bring this up as well sir, but Cath- the seamstress isn't done with her treatment yet, without the medic, she can't get anything done either," The instructor chuckled nervously.
   "I'm well aware of that instructor, Tom can't get any kind of diagnosis either, and it's not like the medic can heal himself," Tord mumbled.
   "We need to find someone else with medical expertise," The seamstress suggested.
   "The seamstress is right sir, I think we should consider-"
   "No instructor, I know what you are about to say and I absolutely refuse, he was exiled for a reason," Tord interrupted the pink haired girl.
   "I know sir, but I don't think we have any other choice, sure his methods weren't exactly practical but-"
   "Ugh I can't believe we actually have to consider this! This is all that puny medic's fault, had I fired him weeks ago like I had intended, this wouldn't have been a problem," Tord looked down at the medic's battered body in disgust. The ripper seemed to be gripping onto the bed's frame now, his knuckles red from nearly bending the metal in his harsh grip.
   "Red leader, did you happen to hear the medic get kidnapped? He was outside your office," The seamstress asked.
   "I was... A bit distracted with my own thoughts at that point, so no, I didn't hear anything," Tord explained. He was a little embarassed to think about why he had called the medic into his office at that point.
   "Why did you have to threaten him?" The ripper asked through gritted teeth, refusing to face his leader. Tord looked back over to him with a confused look.
   "Excuse me?"
   "You know what I am referring to, the small slice on his neck."
   "Couldn't that have been from the blue navy?"
   "It could have, but it was not, what happened?" The ripper glared at his leader yet again. His icy blue eyes seemed to be practically glowing with rage. For a moment, Tord could feel real fear.
   "I don't have to answer to you ripper, I think it's time you take a moment to reflect on yourself, and remember your place," Tord responded calmly. The ripper managed to stop himself from fully launching himself at Tord, instead sneaking his hand to David's, trying to intertwine their fingers. Unfortunately this only elicited a pained whimper from the unconscious man, signaling the ripper to let go of the smaller man's hand.
   "So what do we do Red leader?" The instructor asked.
   "YOU need to stop wandering around the infirmary and actually go do your job for once, as for me, I have some phone calls to make after I handle some... More personal matters..." Tord mumbled, walking back to his quarters, where a certain british man awaited him.

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