All Too Familiar

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   Tord had begun trudging down the main hall to the entrance, which was also technically the exit, of red base. He wanted to go for another walk, but he didn't want the medic or anyone else to see him in such a state. He had already poured his, might as well be artificial, heart out to the medic, and that was already embarassing enough. He didn't need anyone important to see him this way. Tord managed to avoid just about everyone easily... A little too easily actually. Guess he wasn't the only one trying to recover from everything that just happened. Although, Tord was probably the only one recovering emotionally, not that he'd ever admit that to anyone. Okay, well no, he had admitted it to Paul, Patryck, and the medic, but no one else! Tord growled quietly to himself as he left red base, the large doors slamming shut behind him. His good eye wandered up, gazing at the dark clouds above him, why did it always seem to be raining? Huh... Rain... He never thought such a simple act of mother nature could make him feel nostalgic. Tord instinctively pulled his hood over his head. He may have been depressed over his all too late realization, but not depressed enough to lose all his common sense. He grabbed his black hoodie before deciding to go out. Never know when someone could be watching. Tord began walking towards town, where street lights could be seen glowing, contrasting themselves against the dark and gloomy sky. Tord wasn't an idiot, he knew that heading into town would probably make him feel worse about himself, but he was currently fighting against his own judgement. Nothing seemed rational to him anymore, not one single thing. Why not do something crazy? Although, walking down a street didn't necessarily classify as crazy... Whatever. Tord mentally shook his thoughts away and proceeded to walk. He hasn't felt this terrible since the giant robot incident, something that felt like it happened a decade ago, when in reality it was barely a few months ago. Tord had previously assumed this was all due to seeing Tom for an extended period of time, but the unfortunate reality was, it was quite the opposite. Tord felt terrible because he hasn't seen Tom for an extended period of time. He missed him, he lov- didn't hate him as much as he once did. The medic had helped in making that clear for Tord. Obviously the memory eraser gun plan was out the window, no way Tord could force himself to forget any of this, not like he really wanted to in the first place. Tord snapped himself out of his thoughts for a second. Wait a second... Where was he? Apparently he had become so lost in his own thoughts, that his feet had moved on their own, temporarily making themselves independent from the rest of Tord's manual functions. Let's see, there was a very "worn" looking motel, a closed convenience store, and an ice cream parlor. Crap! The ice cream parlor! Tord felt tears welling up slightly. Not enough to hinder his eyesight or anything like that, but he could still feel them nonetheless. Tord found himself walking into the parlor. Unlike before, there were actually some customers filling the small and incredibly cold space, still not very many though. Just some guy on his phone in the corner and some lovey dovey couple feeding each other ice cream by the large window up front. They were sitting in the same place Tom and Tord had sat.
"Can I help you sir?" A voice asked. Tord glanced over at the counter. That overly flirtatious employee had been replaced by a young kid. Tord could only assume it was some teenager that had gotten stuck with this as a summer job.
"No, sorry, I'm just... Waiting for someone," Tord lied.
"Alright, but know that if you don't buy anything in the next hour or two, I gotta kick you out, rules man," The teen sighed. Tord nodded and sat down at a table. Why was he even here? He only left red base to take a calming walk, not to sit in an ice cream parlor and mope. Tord began observing the couple sitting by the window. They were both young girls, one being much shorter than the other. They were staring intently into each other's eyes and giggling as they fed each other swirled ice cream. The shorter one was clearly missing the taller ones mouth, but the taller one didn't seem to have the heart to tell her girlfriend that. Maybe they weren't dating? Maybe Tord had just jumped to conclusions. He hated himself for having love on the brain. Oh, nevermind. The taller girl had leaned over and gave the smaller one a quick kiss, making the smaller one smile and awkwardly adjust her square thick rimmed glasses. Tord felt a small twinge of anger. Maybe watching a happy couple wasn't the best idea for his mental health. However, he found that he couldn't look away. It was as if he felt a sense of... Longing. He longed for something like that, with a certain somebody that had been constantly on his mind. He continued watching, trying his best to get a grip on what it was he really wanted. He noticed that the couple had matching necklaces, both with normal looking pebbles on the ends of them, and a... Oh... Both had matching rings clipped onto their necklaces, wedding rings to be exact. Okay, picturing himself and he who shall not be named in a cutesy relationship was one thing, but picturing them getting married? Tord turned bright red. He quickly jumped out of his chair, causing everyone to stare at him.
"You okay dude?" The teenager behind the counter asked. Tord quickly ran out of the parlor, too flustered to say a word. That was weird, very weird. He knew that he was trapped in an inescapable pit of human emotion at this time, but he had no idea how deep that pit really went. He continued running, speeding up slightly. Where exactly? Well he wasn't too sure at this point. Anywhere was better than that ice cream parlor in Tord's opinion. Oddly enough, as Tord's heart began pounding harder, so did the rain, splashing hard in very large drops onto the pavement. Great, now not only did he have to find a shelter from his own emotions, but now he had to find one from the weather as well, how symbolic. Or at least it would be if Tord wasn't too busy trying to seek refuge from the rain. The roof of a large brick building came into view, causing Tord to stop right in his tracks as he realized what the large building was. It was Tom's abandoned building.

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