Strawberry Frosted

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  The ripper was pacing. This was something he rarely did. Most people pace when they're thinking hard about something, or perhaps feeling more than a little anxious about something. Neither of these things ever applied to the ripper... Or at least... They didn't before. Now however? Now he had something to worry about. That something was the medic. Obviously the medic was overreacting, and the ripper highly doubted his leader would actually execute him, well... Not over something as dumb as a lack of pain killers at least, and yet, the ripper couldn't help but feel a small pang of what he could only describe as... Concern in the back of his mind. Their leader wouldn't kill the medic, but there was still always the possibility of punishment. Red leader wouldn't ask the ripper to torture the medic would he? There was a time where the ripper would have carried out that order with only a small sliver of remorse. Now, the more he thought about it, the more sick to his stomach he became. There was no way he would be able to carry out an order like that anymore. Worse case scenario, he would just have to help the medic escape before the torture session was going to take place. What is he even thinking?! The medic will be fine! There's no reason to be already coming up with escape plans... Right?
"Muh," The ripper heard. He turned to see a tired instructor looking up at him.
"What?" The ripper asked, slightly confused as to what it was the instructor was trying to tell him.
"If you're so worried about your boyfriend, then go wait outside Red leader's office or something, your pacing is loud," She groaned.
"I am not worried, and for your information, David and I are not in a relationship," The ripper sighed.
"Really? Then how did you know who I was talking about?" The instructor giggled, giving the ripper one of the most smug grins he had ever seen in his life.
"Will you just go back to sleeping?" The ripper frowned.
"Nah, not tired anymore," The instructor shrugged.
"Fine, then sit over there and keep an eye on your girlfriend," The ripper mumbled, cringing at that last word.
"Well she's just right there, I can keep an eye on her from here," The instructor shrugged once more.
"Why are you like this?!"
"According to the sweater Cat made me for Christmas last year? It's because I'm a sass muffin," The instructor giggled.
"Could you at least give me some space? I am sort of busy,"
"Busy? With what? Thinking about whether or not your lover is okay?"
"He is not my lover, but yes, I am slightly concerned for his safety at the moment," The ripper sighed. The instructor's face shifted slightly, giving off more of a sympathetic look. She walked over to a corner of the infirmary that was oddly empty. The only thing there being a small cooler. The ripper had always assumed it stored pints of blood or something in case a patient ever needed it, however, the ripper was always puzzled as to why the cooler was a pastel pink color. Not that he judged the medic! It was just a color, not a big deal. It had just thrown the ripper off slightly at first.
"Let me share something with you," The instructor smiled as she pulled the cooler over to where the ripper was standing.
"Oh, am I correct in assuming this cooler is actually yours?" The ripper asked. The instructor gave him a confused look.
"Yes? Since when do you say things like cooler? Don't you mean a cool-box?" The instructor asked.
"My apologies," The ripper sighed.
"I don't get you sometimes, you use a lot of American slang," The instructor huffed.
"When Catherine and I were homeless, the only people who would normally give us any pity were tourists, most of the locals were used to us at that point, I suppose I picked up some slang by accident," The ripper explained.
"Ooh! Then how much is this in America?" The instructor grinned, pulling four pounds out of her pocket.
"Five dollars and eighteen cents I believe, money was the first thing we had to figure out considering none of the tourists used our normal currency," The ripper replied.
"That is so cool! You're like a human calculator!"
"Not really, Catherine can do it as well,"
"Really?! Huh, guess I should throw more money at her than usual,"
"Indeed... Wait what?"
"Anyways, back to the task at hand I suppose," The instructor grinned as she shifted her attention to the cooler- er... Cool-box.
"If that uh... Cool-box is yours, then why are you keeping it in the infirmary? This is practically David's home," The ripper sighed.
"This cool-box contains something very precious to me, and lord knows if I kept it in the barracks it would get pillaged in a second, and while I love Cat, I know her curiosity would get the better of her if I kept it anywhere near her workspace," The instructor explained.
"You trust David more than you trust your own girlfriend?" The ripper chuckled.
"Uh yeah! He's probably the most trustworthy person here! Besides, he's afraid of me, so he'd never tell me to move it somewhere else," The instructor giggled.
"David is afraid of you? How? No offense, but you are not all that threatening," The ripper said bluntly.
"Oi! You haven't seen me at my angriest! Just be lucky you didn't call me short, otherwise we'd have a problem, anyways, you should know by now that he's afraid of practically everything,"
"Now, stop getting me distracted!" The instructor whined. She slid the cool-box in front of the ripper, carefully removing the lid.
"Seriously?" The ripper groaned.
"Don't be like that!" The instructor pouted.
"Why do you have an entire cool-box full of doughnuts?!" The ripper nearly growled.
"I need my fix! It's not like I can go out everyday for one! I replace these every two days, after that they get stale,"
"You realize this is a huge waste of resources right?!"
"So?! If it weren't for me, we'd have an army full of untrained soldiers! I deserve to indulge a bit!"
"Ugh, why are you even showing me this?" The ripper sighed. The instructor reached into the cool-box and pulled out what appeared to be a red velvet doughnut. She handed it to the ripper with a wide smile on her face.
"I don't typically share these with anyone, in fact, Cat has only had one, and that was when I confessed to her, so it was quite a long time ago," The instructor smiled.
"Okay? Then why are you giving one to me?" The ripper asked, staring down at the pastry in his hands.
"I know what it's like to think you might be losing the one you love," The instructor trailed off, glancing at the seamstress. Her eyes were desperately trying to avoid the bandages around her torso.
"Oh," The ripper really didn't know how else to respond to that. He was never the type to be good with emotions.
"Sometimes it takes some comfort to keep your mind from making wild assumptions, and from my experience, a little doughnut now and then never hurt either," The instructor grinned. The ripper made no type of facial expression to indicate any type of emotion. He just gave a simple,
"Thank you." That however, was all the instructor needed to hear.
"No problem! I have one for Davey too!" The instructor grinned, holding out a strawberry frosted doughnut with light green sprinkles.
"He will more than likely love it," The ripper chuckled.

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