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   Tom slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry and every bone in his body hurting. He instinctively tried to sit up, but found that he was unable to. He quickly realized that he was strapped down to a metal table, causing him to panic.
"I wouldn't try to struggle if I were you, the more you struggle, the tighter I make the straps," A voice chuckled maliciously. Tom looked over to his left to see a tall man dressed in all black, examining a knife he had clutched in his hands.
"Who are you? Where am I?!" Tom growled.
"Now calm down, tell me, what's the last thing you remember?" The man asked.
"Ha! And why would I tell you?!" Tom smirked.
"Ah, I simply love it when they ask that," The man sighed. He casually walked over to a metal table with a sheet covering it. He grasped the sheet and yanked it off, revealing multiple medical tools and other torture devices.
"Oh... that's why," Tom whispered to himself.
"Need I say more?" The man glared at Tom.
"Fine! I'll tell you!"
"Hm, well that was disappointing, I didn't even have to do anything," The man shrugged. Tom's brain went into overdrive, desperately trying to bring back his last memory.
"I was in the magic shop with my friends when... I think a glass bottle fell on me? I don't know, that's all I can remember," Tom sighed.
"Interesting," The man nodded.
"Who are you?" Tom tried to ask again. The man walked over to where Tom was, towering over him. He rolled up one of Tom's pant legs and pulled out his knife, making a deep gash in Tom's leg. Tom managed to hold back a scream, but just barely.
"The ripper, they call me the ripper around here, some call me Jack, but we tend not to use real names around here," The ripper replied. Tom was about to make a joke about Jack the ripper, but was cut off by yet another slice of his leg. Meanwhile, Tord stood in the far corner of the torture room, watching the scene unfold in front of him. Tom was too focused on the ripper and the pain he was causing him to even notice the Norwegian man. Tord had asked that the ripper not go too far this time, but Tord knew that the ripper's definition of too far, and his own definition of too far were very different.
"Where am I?" Tom stuttered out between cuts. Tord's heart wanted to break, Tom remembered nothing. Tord knew he should be glad, that meant he was saved from any unnecessary embarrassment, but some part of him wanted Tom to remember him... the good parts of him.
"That is not important, what is important, is that you know what is going to happen to you now that you're here," The ripper chuckled, answering Tom's earlier question.
"What?" Tom asked.
"You're going to be sliced, beaten, bruised, long story short, you will suffer for as long as you live while you're here," The ripper explained, slicing into Tom's leg once more. Tom was silently freaking out, was this guy serious?
"Well I hope you know that a few cuts isn't enough to hurt me," Tom managed to laugh.
"I know," The ripper opened a cabinet and pulled a jar of something out, salt. He slowly sprinkled it into Tom's lacerations, making the pain drag on and on as the ripper slowly added more. He then began to dig the knife into Tom's leg, connecting the slashes and creating intricate patterns along the now mangled limb. Tom began screaming.
"GAH! STOP! STOP!" Tom screeched. The ripper took his blade and cut the rolled up pant leg off, giving him access to more of his leg.
"Oh don't be a baby, I'll have David clean you up after I'm done here, then we can start all over again," The ripper laughed.
"HELP! GOD PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! MISTER TORD! ANYONE!" Tom shouted. Tom was in so much pain, that he couldn't even hear the words coming from his own mouth, nor did he have the time to question them. Tord however, was horrified with the ripper's actions, so much so that he didn't notice the ripper's random use of the medic's real name, and Tom's pleas for help had only made it worse for Tord.
"Ripper! That's enough!" Tord growled. The ripper turned around, a horrifying look on his face and a blood covered knife in his hand.
"Are you sure Red leader? I can do much more, I mean, you have been patiently waiting to get your revenge, why not do it now?" The ripper suggested.
"I said, that's enough," Tord tried to seem intimidating, but it was a little difficult with the extreme height difference, the ripper was by far the tallest man Tord had ever met.
"Ah, I see, you want to take a crack at it yourself sir? Go right on ahead, you deserve it after what he did to you," The ripper saluted, wiped down his knife, and then put it in his pocket. He nodded and left, his usual stoic expression slowly but surely returning.
"Guh... wait... Tord?" Tom mumbled, dizzy from blood loss.
"Tom!" Tord shouted, tears beginning to form. Tord quickly ran to the cabinet and pulled out a dusty first aid kit that the ripper never used. He grabbed a bunch of different medical supplies from the kit and ran to patch up Tom's wounds.
"What's happening? How are you alive? Where am I?" Tom barely managed to squeak out.
"Sh, Tom, you've lost a lot of blood, you need to save your energy," Tord whispered. Tord didn't have nearly as much medical experience as the medic, but he still had some, enough to help Tom out at least. The ripper had done a number on Tom, and Tord knew that it was only going to get worse from there. He looked up at Tom and noticed that Tom was starting to go in and out of consciousness. Tord ran out of the room and saw the seamstress walking by.
"Oh, hello Red leader," The seamstress smiled.
"GO GET THE MEDIC!" Tord yelled. The seamstress was caught off guard and began shaking quite a bit.
"Yes sir! But... uh... he's guarding the entrance for Paul and Patryck, but Paul and Patryck haven't come back yet so-"
"THEN TAKE HIS PLACE!" Tord hissed.
"Uh yes sir! Sorry sir!" The seamstress stuttered, breaking into a full on sprint towards the entrance. Tord retreated back into the room to keep an eye on Tom. He ran towards the table and unstrapped him.
"Ugh," Tom groaned, clearly still in pain.
"Tom? Are you alright? Tom?! Stay with me!" Tord began panicking. Tom could barely hear Tord, his hearing was muffled, and he was starting to grow light headed. Tord began hugging Tom and crying, even though in the back of his mind, he knew Tom would be perfectly fine, he's seen weaker people survive much worse.
"What's wrong Mister Tord?" Tom muttered, clearly unaware of his own words and actions. Tord pulled away from the hug and blushed profusely. Hearing Tom say that nickname as a child was one thing, he was used to it, now it was just... odd for lack of a better word.
"Red leader! Is everything alright?! The seamstress came running and she seemed very- oh my god is that Tom?!" The medic gasped as he practically kicked down the door.
"Yes, and I'm afraid the ripper went too far," Tord sighed, motioning towards the mentally confused Tom.
"Oh hi David," Tom waved. The medic walked over to Tom and inspected the bandages Tord had wrapped over Tom's wounds.
"Nicely done Red leader, however this part is just a little too loose, let me just tighten that for you," The medic mumbled.
"Does it really matter how tight the bandages are?" Tord asked.
"It does, trust me," The medic sighed.
"I'm sure he'll be fine, he's tough," Tord whispered to himself.
"What was that sir?"
"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Tord chuckled. The medic moved a bandage out of the way to get a look at Tom's injuries.
"Is that salt?!"
"I'm afraid so,"
"Well in that case, sir would you mind if I took him to the infirmary for this? I have to clean the wounds out," The medic explained.
"That's fine by me," Tord agreed.
"Thank you sir, and no offense, but I just don't get why we let that monster do anything around here," The medic shuddered, referring to the ripper.
"He's useful at times, not to mention he's the brother of the seamstress," Tord replied.
"What? But she seems so nice!" The medic pouted.
"Look, are you going to take him to the infirmary or not?" Tord rolled his eyes.
"Yes sir, however I might need some help carrying him,"
"Carrying him?" Tord asked. The medic pointed to where Tom had previously been sitting. Tom passed out from blood loss.
"Sorry sir, I'm not the strongest soldier here," The medic apologized. 
"Ugh fine, also, I need you to do something," Tord began.
"Yes sir?"
"Whenever the ripper decides he wants to rip into Tom, I need you to be stationed outside just in case things get bad," Tord finished.
"WHAT?! Sir, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Jack terrifies me! He's twice my size!" The medic squeaked.
"The ripper! Sorry sir, he just told me to call him Jack and that he thought I was- y'know what? Nevermind, the point is sir, he seriously creeps me out,"
"Too bad, I gave you an order," Tord glared at the medic.
"Ugh, yes sir," The medic saluted solemnly.
"Glad we're on the same page," Tord chuckled. Tord then picked Tom up bridal style and began following the medic to the infirmary. The medic took a look at them at one point and saw that his leader was only focused on Tom, his face similar to someone who just saw a ghost.
"Huh... maybe the researcher does have to update her relationship chart," The medic whispered to himself.
"What was that?" Tord asked.

Huh, well this update was a few hundred words longer than normal... anyways, we have ourselves another update :D! Sorry if the torture scene wasn't painful enough, that was my first time writing one. Oh, and I apologize for any major errors, I'm not used to writing long chapters, but I hope you all enjoyed scary Jack the ripper (lol), Clueless Tom, Guilty Tord, Scared seamstress, and of course, Medic... He's "special" also we got a little insight on what the medic thinks about the ripper and vice versa... welp, thank you all for reading!

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