Back To The Cell

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   Tom was slowly waking up, his eyes just barely opening. He suddenly heard whispers.
"Is he awake Carrie? Can you see?!"
"Seamstress, for the last time, it is Caroline, not Carrie,"
"I doubt Catherine meant anything by it sweetie," Tom sat up, realizing he was in a jail cell. He turned to look through the bars and saw three women standing there.
"He's up!" The shortest one squealed. Half of her head was shaved, leaving flowing black hair coming out of the left side.
"Catherine, you shouldn't squeal like that, he probably has a headache," Another woman sighed. This one had long hair in a ponytail, goggles that looked like they belonged in a science lab were propped on top of her head.
"That caring personality is just one of many reasons I fell for you," The final woman sighed. This woman had short brown hair, she was gripping onto a clipboard.
"Who the heck are you three?" Tom growled. They stared at him for awhile, and what seemed like sadness swept through each of them.
"You... don't remember us?" The short one frowned.
"No? Should I?" Tom asked.
"Well, you didn't really know me personally, so that is to be expected," The one with the goggles shrugged.
"I was afraid this would happen after you returned to your original state, I am truly sorry Tom," The one with a clipboard seemed to be the most distraught.
"Seriously, what is going on around here?" Tom mumbled.
"Aw man, I have to introduce myself again? Ugh, I'm the seamstress, you can call me Catherine, the uptight one with the clipboard is the researcher, but you can call her Caroline, and then that's Amelia or the lead scientist," The seamstress shrugged.
"I don't get a cool description?" The lead scientist frowned.
"Okay... and why should I care?" Tom asked completely uninterested.
"We are simply here to check on you, although you do not remember it, you helped me in ways you couldn't even begin to imagine," The researcher sighed, glancing towards the lead scientist for a second.
"Well if you really want to thank me for whatever it was that I did, LET ME OUT!" Tom shouted.
"I'm afraid we can't do that little one," The seamstress sighed.
"Little one?"
"Hey, you're still short, so I'm just going to keep calling you that," The seamstress explained.
"What? What do you mean you're going to keep doing it? I don't remember you ever doing it to begin with! Heck I don't even remember you ever existing!" Tom complained.
"Huh, you must have huge gaps in between memories," The lead scientist decided to chime in.
"Okay but why? Why can't I remember anything?" Tom asked, getting annoyed.
"I'm sorry Tom, Red leader will have our heads if he finds out we told you something you're not supposed to know," The researcher apologized.
"Whatever," Tom whispered, leaning back against the concrete wall of his cell.
"Pardon me ladies, I have to do a medical examination," Tom heard a fourth voice sigh. The three women stepped back, allowing a man that was just barely shorter than Tom to step in front of the bars.
"Hello Tom, my name is the medic," He greeted.
"Hey David! Where'd you go earlier?" The seamstress asked. The medic's eyes involuntarily shifted over to the researcher and her new girlfriend, sadness threatening to make itself known.
"I went out," The medic replied, refusing to go into specifics.
"Okay?" The seamstress was confused by the medic's odd behavior, but decided to brush it off.
"Also, seamstress? Your brother is looking for you, he said he needed to ask you something," The medic explained.
"Big bro needs me?" The seamstress asked excitedly. She quickly ran up the stairs, leaving him with the researcher and the lead scientist.
"Amelia, Caroline, would you mind clearing the area as well?" The medic asked in the kindest tone he could manage.
"Sure thing," The lead scientist grinned as she grabbed the researcher's hand and led her upstairs.
"Hm, so what's your deal?" Tom asked once he heard them leave.
"What do you mean?"
"Do you fall under the psycho category? Y'know, like everyone else I've met around here so far," Tom clarified.
"I don't think that's something I can safely say about myself without a second opinion, I mean... I've met people with psychological damage, and I don't believe I resemble them too much," The medic shrugged. Tom chuckled, he liked this medic guy so far.
"So what are you gonna do? Torture me? Tempt me with information?" Tom asked in a slightly harsher tone. The medic froze for a second and gave Tom an offended look.
"Never! Nothing like that! While I do know that violence is unavoidable when working in an army, I still despise it and try my best to keep myself from harming anyone on accident," The medic laughed.
"Oh..." Tom replied. The medic suddenly realized who Tom was referring to when he was talking about torture.
"I'd like to apologize for what Jack did," The medic said suddenly. Tom was definitely confused.
"You mean that ripper guy with the ironic name? Why are you apologizing for him?"
"Because I know him, and I know he won't do it on his own, I'd like you to understand that he wasn't born a bad person, actually I still don't think he's a bad person now, he was only following orders,"
"Yeah, and those orders almost got me killed, look I get that you want to stand up for your boyfriend but-"
"HE'S NOT MY- uh... sorry, he's not my boyfriend, he's just another soldier who I happen to be friends with... Well not even friends really, forced friends I guess?" The medic trailed off. Tom quickly realized that the medic was an idiot, but at least he wasn't trying to gut him.
"Did you actually come down here for something or...?"
"Oh! Right! My apologies! I came to make sure you were alright after you got knocked out under uh... mysterious circumstances," The medic mumbled.
"Well I'm fine," Tom assured him.
"Are you sure? Seriously I am absolutely worthless in every aspect of the word, and tending to people's wounds seems to be the only thing I'm good for, and sometimes I even mess that up," The medic sighed.
"Sorry to tell you this, but I'm fine,"
"Alright, just holler if that changes," The medic nodded as he began to leave.
"Hey wait!" Tom called out.
"This might sound a bit personal, but why did you ask those two women to leave?" Tom asked. The medic visibly tensed, biting the inside of his cheek and holding back a cry of distress.
"Have a nice night Tom," The medic managed to squeak out, rushing up the stairs.
"What the heck did I get myself into? I better try and do some remembering, and fast," Tom whispered to himself.

Sorry that this update was so short compared to the last few! I honestly have more bags than a vira bradley store under my eyes. My ask Jack and David book has been a huge success so far, so thank you for that! I really don't have a lot to say this time around... Well as for the way the ask book shall be updated, I will try to update it as often as I can, just know that I'm juggling school and sleep right now, so updating everyday on that thing is very taxing. You guys gave me such encouraging words last chapter, they made me cry tears of joy and I have come to realize that I love each and every one of you! You all shine brighter than anything on this earth and beyond, and you should all know that, thank you for reading!

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