First Aid

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   The medic let out a long sigh of relief. He had just finished giving the seamstress surgery. She had been super fortunate. The bullet became lodged in her side, however it did not hit any major organs, making the surgery much easier and less costly. It didn't go all the way through either, which meant that as long as the seamstess stayed on her back, it would take a much longer time for her to bleed out. The medic was sitting out in the hall outside of the infirmary. Catherine was pretty much knocked out due to all of the pain medication he had given her. They were meant to preserve all of that pain medication due to their dwindling funds, and even though the medic knew Tord would scold him or worse if he found out he had wasted it all on the seamstress' surgery, the medic simply didn't care. Although she was annoying, the seamstress was his friend, and he couldn't imagine the army without her. The medic found it odd that the ripper hadn't shown up yet. The ripper was the one who carried the seamstress there in the first place, but he disappeared halfway through the surgery. Where did he go? The medic got up and looked around, no one was nearby to disturb the seamstress, so he figured it wouldn't hurt to go look for the ripper to tell him his sister was done with her surgery. The medic walked down the hall towards the ripper's... "Office." It was pretty much a room based entirely around torture, and while the ripper didn't technically own it, he was the only one who ever used it, so most of them just considered it his. The medic immediately wanted to turn around once he heard screaming. He shook his head. He was a medic, and letting people know their family members were alright was just part of the job. He stomped up to the door and made the mistake of opening it before knocking. The ripper was hovering over someone that was shirtless and chained down to a metal table.
"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I MEANT TO SHOOT THE PRISONER NOT HER!" The person on the table squealed.
"Then maybe you should have aimed better," The ripper stated coldly. The man on the table had cuts all over his chest, spelling out horrible, demeaning names. His face was practically bashed in, and his wrists were black and blue from how tight the chains were... It made the medic sick. He was frozen, unable to do anything but watch the scene in front of him. The ripper reached under the table and pulled out what seemed to be a pistol.
"I DIDN'T MEAN TO! PLEASE JUST LET ME GO!" The person cried.
"Do you recognize this?" The ripper asked, loading the pistol.
"W-What?" The man stuttered.
"It is a simple question, do you recognize this? Yes or no?" The ripper asked again, putting a makeshift silencer on the pistol.
"I... I don't-"
"Ah, that is quite disappointing, I suppose your eyelids are too swollen to see it, this is your pistol, you know, the one you used to shoot my little sister," The ripper replied. The ripper point the gun to the man's left shoulder, pulling the trigger.
"GAH! OH GOD WHY?!" The man screeched. The ripper moved over to the right shoulder, then his left foot, then the right. It was a miracle that the man hadn't bled out yet.
"The funny part is, those bullets were not for Catherine, in fact they were for David, do you know how frantic he becomes when something like this happens? I cannot imagine the stress he is under right now, however... This last bullet? This one right here?" The ripper growled, leaning forward and holding the barrel of the gun for the man to see.
"Please... Please don't... I don't want to die..." Tears were flowing down the man's mangled face.
"This one, is for Catherine," The ripper chuckled with a sadistic grin as he pointed the gun to the man's forehead. "JACK STOP PLEASE!" The medic suddenly cried out. He couldn't watch the ripper do this to himself. If their leader found out the ripper had purposely killed one of their own soldiers... Intimidating or not, their leader would never let him get away with something like that. The ripper turned his head to see the medic standing in the doorway with a horrified look on his face.
"David... You do not get it, he has taken everything from me," The ripper scowled.
"That's not true Jack! Catherine is okay! Her surgery was success!" The medic shouted.
"That does not excuse him from punishment, he decided to shoot rather than... I do not know, anything else! He deserves to die for what he has done!" The ripper had his teeth tightly clenched. The medic slowly made his way over to the ripper, slowly grabbing the gun from him. The ripper made no attempt to struggle.
"Maybe Jack, but that doesn't justify what you're about to do, don't sink down to his level, you're better than that," The medic frowned, looking up at the ripper. The ripper walked over to the table and unchained the man, dragging him to the infirmary with the medic following close behind. The ripper dropped the man in front of the door.
"I could care less about this poor excuse for a human being, however if he bleeds out, tell me, I want to know whether or not this monster dies," The ripper growled glaring at the man's limp body.
"C-Can do," The medic stuttered, honestly freaking out on the inside.
"Can I see my sister?" The ripper asked in a slightly calmer tone, motioning towards the infirmary door.
"Of course," The medic nodded, trying to open the door. It didn't budge.
"What seems to be the problem?" The ripper asked, noticing the medic's struggle.
"It's locked!" The medic began panicking and desperately shaking the door as if that would miraculously get it open. The ripper put his hand on the medic's shoulder, lightly moving him out of the way.
"Let me try," The ripper sighed.
"Fine," The medic huffed, his arms crossed. The ripper tried to open the door, the medic was right, someone had locked it. The ripper backed up slightly, prepared to charge into the door in an attempt to knock it down. He slammed his full body weight into it, the door shook and the wood nearly splintered... But it didn't budge any further.
"Someone barricaded it," The ripper mumbled.
"They what?! Who's in there?!" The medic shouted through the door. Normally the ripper would have scolded him for yelling and possibly disturbing Catherine, but one, this was the medic, and two, they really didn't have any other options at this point.
"Just give me a second!" A voice yelled from within the door.
"Eleanor?!" The medic gasped.

Was this update nothing but oc trash? Indeed children, and I apologize for that. Also, you are about to meet Eleanor pretty soon, an oc that does not belong to me, but to a good friend of mine. I'll explain the whole thing in greater detail. Oh hey look, fan art.

This impressive fan art was created by shipsansxeveryone apparently this was the first book they read on wattpad! Le gasp! Lol I feel like a lucky author

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This impressive fan art was created by shipsansxeveryone apparently this was the first book they read on wattpad! Le gasp! Lol I feel like a lucky author.

Next up is a fan art of our local temporarily comatose seamstress, Catherine created by Kiki_The_Muffin they are a brave and amazing person with equally amazing art and talent! ^-^ Huh? What's that? I was sent more fan art and I forgot to show it? Hm

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Next up is a fan art of our local temporarily comatose seamstress, Catherine created by Kiki_The_Muffin they are a brave and amazing person with equally amazing art and talent! ^-^ Huh? What's that? I was sent more fan art and I forgot to show it? Hm... Interesting... Thank you all for reading!

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