Part 3: surprises (҂ 'з' ).︻╦̵̵̿╤── ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ

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i woke up to find that if was night time. i was still only an hour till whe had to leave for school so i decided to try to fall back asleep. but i noticed something being pressed on my chest.

it was surprisingly soft. i opened my eye's  and stared down to find a girl that was wrapping her arm's around me. and her breast's were pushed up against my chest. i blushed heavely when i noticed she didn't have any clothes on.

" i-i-is this kurai!? i mean it loos like her but...!"

 by my struggling to get away i woke her up. she looked up at me and noticed she wasn't in her wolf form anymore. it wasn't that surprising to her at first but when she noticed she didn't have any clothes on she flipped out. and when i mean flipped out,

she flipped the fuck out. she screamed and she fell out off my bed. i looked down at her still heavely blushing.

 "a-a-are you okay kurai?" i asked.

"NO IM NOT! get me some clothes god damn it!"  

i ran to my closet and grabbed her a tee-shirt and short's. i then threw it at her and procceded to walk out the door.

Before i could i heard a small voice, i think she said thank you. at least she's not mad at me, i thought. i walked out the door and continued to walk down the hallway.

i ran into ayato and he asked me what was wrong. when i noticed i was still blushing i walked away and replied with an annoyed,


he just looked at me in confusion and walked down the stair way not to shortly after me. Damn it, i cursed under my breath.


i looked at myself in the mirror.

"DAMN IT! why did this have to happen!?"

i looked back at myself and  blushed.

"i can't believe he saw me. this is so embarassing!"it's okay, i'll just turn back into a wolf."

i tried to turn back into a wolf but i couldn't.

"OH SHIT! can i not turn back to into my wolf form?!"

i tryed and tryed and tryed and tryed but i just couldn't turn back.'

"i guess i'll have to consult reiji about this!"

i bit my lip in frustration. i was really worried about traveling the hallway's because someone could see me. i mean im trying to hide my apperance because i dont' want to look like a damn sponge full of holes!

i slowly slipped out into the hallway and made my way to reiji's room.

I knocked on the door three time's and waited for a response. he replied with a yes.

"ummm.. reiji, it's Kurai i need to ask you something. is it okay if i come in.? it will only take a second."

i heard a sigh then a solem answer

"yes, you may come in, but make it quick i have to make breakfeast for the boy's."

i opened the door quietly and peaked my head in.  shortly i brought my whole body into the room. i saw reiji folding laundry in his room. i walked up quietly and tapped him on the shoulder. he turned around and looked at me surprised.

"So this is what you look like. so what is is you want to ask me?"

"well, i turned into my human form and can't change back. is there a way you could help me with that. it's fine if you don't want to."

He looked at me confused but he shortly replied after thinking a little bit.

"i think i can make a potion or a type of medicine for that. but the making of that medicine will take a whole month or even more. i'll gladly exept to help you but you'll have to wait."

"WHAT!? a whole month!"

"well making medicine take's time and plus with a condition that you have it's bound to take longer. so if you want your wolf form back you'll have to wait."

"oh, and since you'll be in your human form for a long time you'll be attending school with us." 

"awesome, another thing to add to my problem's. now there going to definately see me. look's like im going to look like a sponge."

 I sighed and walked out of reiji's room. before i walked out he handed me a school uniform and told me to be down for breakfeast in 10 minute's.


this skirt was really short and the top was tight showing all the definition's of my chest.  my tail stuck out the back of my skirt and my wolf ear's were still on top of my head.

It was about time for me to  walk down so i slipped out my door and went into the hallway. once i got down there i heard talking and i walked down the corridor to the kitchen.

i peaked my head around the door and saw everyone sitting at the table. subaru noticed me and he slightly blushed and avoided my gaze, this caused ayato and laito to look at me.

"Ohhhhhh?~ so this is what the little wolf looked like?"

laito looked at me with seductive eye's.

"Oi laito, she look's really tasty doesn't she? i would like to taste her, wouldn't you?"

ayato got up and started walking toward's me.

"Ayato, sit down now, we are eating right now and this is not the time to be feeding."

he huffed and sat back down in his seat.

"Please take a seat kurai-san."

i obediantly sat down in a chair. and to my luck i was sitting in the chair next to subaru and ayato. once i noticed everyone staring at me i put my ear's and tail away. they were a little bit surprised but brushed it off and kept eating.

Reiji said it was time to go to school and to get in the lemo. i walked next to subaru and kanato untill we got to the car. i took the seat next to ayato and subaru again.

"Oi okami, you smell delicious. can i suck your blood later?"

"FUCK NO! get the fuck away from me you creep!"

i demanded. he grabbed my arm tightly and squeezed it with force.

"Oi, i don't think you should talk to Ore- sama like that. you should watch your mouth before i rip it off."


i swung my arm for a punch but reiji stopped us before i could hit him. i huffed and got out of the car with my bag over my shoulder. everyone looked at me amazed even the girl's. i wondered if they were staring at the guy's but surely they were staring at me.

a crowd of people came running over to me and asking me question's. to many for me to answer in that short ammount of time.

reiji and shuu looked disgusted and the rest just looked amazed. they didn't think i would be so popular. what a school day this was going to be...

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