Part 38: Death (ó ì_í)=óò=(ì_í ò)

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Chapter Song: Korn Narcissistic Cannibal 


I walked in to see everyone tied up against the wall, And the Mukami's standing infront of them. This made my wrinkle my nose in anger sending them a death glare. 

Oi~ what the fuck are you doing to them, Are you asking to get you limbs ripped off?"

I looked at them and smircked. Ruki looked at me and gave me an evil glare.

"And what make's you think you'll be able to, Puppy Dog?"

I looked up at him and the others And I psychotically smiled, It looked like my smile gave them the chill's.

"Are you testing me?"

I turned into my wolf form and ran up to Ruki. I bit his arm and ripped it off, Everyone was shocked when I lunged back and holded Ruki's arm in my mouth. I dropped the limb as it turned to ash.

"Don't test me VAMPIRE!"

I Growled and bared my teeth. Ruki had grabbed his arm from pain and tryed to stop the bleeding, I laughed.

"Even if you are a vampire you'll slowly die from blood loss! so what's the point!?"

I kept on laughing and laughing as they looked at me terrfifed, It was so amusing. I looked back up and stopped my laughing.

I once again bared my teeth.

"I told you that you would pay yet you didn't listen, And this is where it got you! You FOOLS!" 

I glared at them and started walking foward, They backed up in response.

"Release them, And no one loses there head's. I Suggest you do it now!"

Ruki looked up at me and smircked. He's irritating me and my patience is wearing thin.

"Ohhh~ I lost a limb, big fucking deal."

I looked at him and growled. 

"Your the strongest of the four right? If so, Your brother's will end up no different. So if you gave a fuck about your family then I would move your ASS!"

I said and ended my sentence with a bark. He didn't budge from his spot and stared at me.

" You really are heartless Ruki, Your brother's are going to die and you just stand there? So this is really going to end in bloodshed?"

I growled and walked toward's them more. They all looked at Ruki angerly and backed away with him. 

"And all you had to do was release them, You Fool. You could've lived happily with your brother's yet you chose to die. Vampires there so foolish, Thinking there higher then everyone else.'

"I want to kill them  all!"

Then with the end of my sentence I jumped up and ripped Ruki's head of, Once I dropped his head from my mouth his body turned to ash leaving no trace. The Mukami's, even the other's looked at me in horror at what i done.

"i had just killed Ruki."

"Burn in Hell bastard."

Is all I said at the ash that had piled up on the floor. I ran up to a candle that had been lit on a table. I knocked It over with my tail on purpose and lit the rug on fire. It soon lit up the whole floor, and with in minute's the mansion. 

"Burn all of you, JUST BURN!"

I noticed Kou about to take a sword and slice their throat's but before he could make a move I grabbed his side with my mouth and threw him across the room. I walked up to them and ripped the rope's of there arm's and ankle's. 


I said as I continued to dart to the door." I ran over to Kou and ripped his head off, making sure he was dead. Then we ran into Yuma. I jumped up and screamed.


I landed on him and ripped his head off. they all looked at me in terror as I holded his head in my mouth. I saw Azusa slowly burning in the flame's.

he didn't cry, he just layded there.

"Was he already dead?"

I ran out the door as the mansion had exploaded. I Turned back into my human for and looked at the mansion as it burned. I had blood all over my mouth as I licked it, Then all six of them looked at me scared,

I only smircked and turned  Back around to look at the mansion. 

"Fucking burn, Bastard's."

I whispered as I rubbed the blood off my face with my sleeve. I was the same monster when I killed Yui, I was psychotic and insane.

I ripped of their head's without any hesistation. 

I was a cannibal that liked killing, Blood moon or not. I was an animal, I had no emotion's.

I was a Killer. 

I looked over at all of them as the mansion burned behind me, It had turned night and the star's shun in the sky. The crimson red flames looked beautiful under the night sky,

It was a momment to die for.

I turned around to look at them,

"It's finally over isn't it, Sakamaki's?"....

OMFG! she went insane and killed the Mukami's! and plus Yuma! (PULLS OUT A TISSUE AND BLOWS NOSE)

Im so sorry for the Mukami's, i just had to do it! 

Anyway the next part will be uploaded soon! 



Kurai Okami :D

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