Part 45: VALENTINES SPECIAL #2 \ (>////<) /

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Chapter Song: Pink FunHouse

I walked out to the back as I heard Subaru and the Maid talking.

"S-Subaru-san, Will you exept my chocolate's." 

I heard her say as Subaru was silent.

This Pissed me off as I slammed open the door to where they were, I was completely inraged.

I yelled really Loud as I dragged Subaru out. 


I screamed as I pulled subaru out of the room. I looked up at Him with an Angry expression,

He looked surprised as I stared at him.

"Kurai I-"

I cut him off as I continued to drag him out of the mall. 

"I know, you don't have to apologize Subaru, You didn't do anything."

 I scolded him as he Continued to look at me with a worried expression.  

He was obviously thinking I was mad at him, I stopped and turned around.

"Subaru im not mad at you! im mad at that maid!"

He looked at me surprised as he saw the word's slip out of my mouth.

His expression softened as he didn't hold back from my pulling. 

Once we got out of the Mall I  stopped running and started walking, I noticed Subaru was out of breath. 

"You okay?"

I asked as he turned his gaze towards me, Then he glared at me evil.

"Do I look okay to you?! I was just dragged out a mile without stopping!"

I looked at him Shocked,

He was mad at me....

I looked at him and smiled, I really didn't want him to be mad at me anymore.

"I-Im sorry, I didn't mean-"

I was cut off when he lunged toward's me and wrapped his arm's around my waist.

I looked up at the sky surprised,

He embraced me in a hug...

I blushed as he tightened his grip on me, It was like he was holding onto me like his life depended on it. I moved my arms around his neck returning the hug. 

"S-Subaru, do we have to do this here? People are watching!"

I scolded him as he snickered behind my back. 

"And why should I?"

He said as he holded me until it was at a suffocating state.

It hurt like hell. I pleaded as his continued to hug me.

"S-Subaru your hurting me! Yametei!"

I yelled as he lightened his grip on my waist. He looked at me and smiled.

"Sorry, I can't control my strenght well. Gomen!"

he said as I blushed, He was really cute when he looked apologetic.

"Ohhh! and i just remembered something!"

I pulled out the chocolate's and holded them out to Subaru. 

He stared at me and blushed.

"What is this? Don't tell me-"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. 


I yelled as I Blushed heavely. He looked at me and nodded as he took the chocolate's.

He smiled,


Strawberries were Subaru's favorite food, so I decided to get him some strawberry flavored chocolate. 

Once we were done eating chocolate on the bench we walked home and returned to our normal day activities. 

But something felt weird,

I was being watched from my room.

Who was it?....

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