Sequel (Bk.2): Chapter 77/A Displeasing Suprise

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Pulling the body along the long staircase to the dungeon, I sat the lump of ripped flesh down onto the cold cement floor. The room matched the situation, and I liked being down there every once in a while. I never knew it could be this convenient for hiding such a massacre, which only made my interest of the room more wild and outgoing then I thought it could be.

"I need to clean this up before anyone gets back, or wonders where I am." I said, looking up the stairwell and wiping my palms of the left over blood that came from the body I had been carrying for so long. I dragged it into the third prison on the right, and laid it in the dusted corner full of moss and left over cob webs. "Since when did this basement become so dirty, last time I was down here it wasn't this bad." That was right, it had become more dirty in such a short time, to short to be exact. As I was examining the filthy basement, two people jumped me, one putting a bag over my head full of a substance that paralyzed me, and the other tying a rope around my hands. Soon enough I was out cold, asleep like I had been shot by a tranquilizer.

(Later on with the mysterious people)

"What are we going to do with her?! Are you nuts, tying her up and knocking her out with a paralyzingly antiseptic!?" The one man yelled in a voice I so well knew, that one was Ayato no doubt, and I'm guessing Laito is the one with him. Damn bastard probably blabbed about it to him, I should've never trusted such a person.

"Hey you vile vampires!" I yelled enraged, trying to break free from the ropes that we're bounding me, but the antiseptic made me numb enough to gouge me of my power. "I swear once I get out of here I'm going to rip you apart, you fucking fools!"

"Laito, what the fuck were you thinking?! We're not going to get out of this alive, you know that!" Laito hissed in a frustrated tone towards the man who no doubt had his mind in order.

"Ayato, just shut up and let me go through with the Plan." He scolded, "You'll only make thing worse if you continue to interrupt my courageous idea." I just couldn't help but think how stupidly foolish he was to think that a man like himself could win against me.

"Ne, Laito." I purred, "Let's cut a deal." He hummed at the words that flowed by him, listening to every letter carefully like a curious cat.

"What deal?" Laito asked as I leaned forward in my chair, my arms still bound with rope. "If you let me go, I won't consider killing you," I sighed, "but only if you answer a few questions of mine." Ayato sighed, frustrated that he was silenced by his nuisance of a brother.

"It seems interesting, but how do I know your not just being sly?" He purred, grabbing the bag and ripping it off my head. "I bet if I untied those ropes you would try to kill us." He touched my cheek, "would you not?"

He was right, that was my intention, and I thought I could trick them. I guess they weren't as stupid as I thought they were, and actually paid attention to the situation.

"Fine" I reluctantly said, "what's the conditions? I really don't even know why I'm asking." Laito looked at me, as Ayato just stared off into his own world, trying to ignore my existence.

"Well your highness" he chimed, "You'll have to answer a few questions for me." Laito demanded, lowering his voice to a whisper, "Who are you really?" I stiffened at his question, had they really found out already? I thought I did a good job of hiding it, but I guess I can go with plain B, the hard more bloody way of handling things.

"Fine you got me Laito." I laughed, " but guess who's residing in your precious woman's body?" They both stared at me blankly, like they held no emotion, but then Ayato's face arose with fear.

"I-It can't be you-" He simply stuttered, looking into my eyes deeply as Laito seemed to stare deep Into an Abyss, like time had frozen In his mind.

"It really is you." Laito muttered, as a smirk spread across my face. "So I was found out, so soon-" I complained, "I wanted to have a little more fun, but you can never ask for To much can you?"

(Next chapter will be posted shortly)

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