Part 36: Scared Brothers (⊙_⊙')

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Chapter Song: NightCore Do It Like A Dude 


I walked in the dining room and got weird stare's from everyone, Probably from the little "INCIDENT" I had last night.

I looked up all of them and smircked,

"Stop looking so terrified you bunch of sissy's, That only happen's every 5 month's.

"So calm the Fuck down."

I looked up at to Subaru to see him trying to hold himself back from laughing, Probably from calling them sissy's.

I soon started giggling and continued eating my food.

I looked up to see Ayato looking at me pissed and the other's just looking at me surprised. It was really amusing. 

Once I was done eating my meal I got up and started walking toward's my room.

Something didn't feel right, I sensed someone but the prescense wasn't there. I quickly went into battle stance and started walking down the hallway.

"Who the fuck is that I smell."

 I walked in my room and stuck my head out my window. I looked down to see Ruki standing at the front gates staring at the mansion. Once he noticed me looking at him he smircked and walked toward's the mansion door's.

I sensed danger and jumped out my window toward's Ruki.


I ran in front of him and grabbed his throat holding him up in the air. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Be on watch Puppy Dog, For we are not done yet."

Then he dissapeared out of thin air. I turned around walking to the mansion doors in anger. Shuu and Subaru came out looking confused.

"What happened?"

They started walking forward then stopped in front of me. I gave them serious eye's and turned around to stare into the distance.

"It's the Mukami's, Ruki came and payed me a little "VISIT".

They looked worried, then their expressions turned into anger.

"Did you see where he went? And what did he say?"

I turned back around and headed toward's the mansion. 

"He said that to be on watch and that it's not over.  It Looks like that Fucker has another thing up his sleeve."

They all followed me back in the mansion and went to the living room, They all had called the brother's down to talk about the incident.

"What are we going to do? They could strike at any moment!"

I said as I holded my head in frustration. 

They all looked at me with worried eye's and said nothing, until Laito speaked up.

"It should be easy, We could just kill them and get it over with."

I looked over at him and gave him a glare, A really scary one in fact.

"Laito it isn't that easy, There vampire's to and they could be hard to kill."

But Ohhh~ would I like to ripp their head's off."

Laito looked at me and chuckled, Then Reiji gave him a stare telling him to shut it.  I cleared my throat and started talking again. 

"Anyway, We need to deal with this situation somehow."

I looked around to see everyone looking confused.

"Do they not have a plan?"

"Guys, do you have any idea's!"

I yelled as they looked at me shocked, That probably pulled them out of their thinking. 

They all replied with a


Then looked down at the floor, Looks like they have no idea's.

I sighed and walked out of the room. 

Looks like this is going to be a "LONG" night....

 Thanks for reading this far! I hope you all liked the chapter! 

The next Part will be uploaded soon! Comment and Vote!

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Kurai Okami  \ ( ^ -- ^ ) /

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