Part 27: Confession(〃・・〃)

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I walked into my room as a storm had started up outside. i'v noticed that japan Rains a lot, so it's mostly gloomy over where we live.

 I sighed and walked toward's subaru's room. i knocked on his door, and to my surprise he came to answer it. he hardly ever does that. i flipped my ears out and looked at him with an embarassed look.

"Can.. can i sleep with you tonight? im to scared to be by myself."

he looked at me and blushed. i think he was about to reject me but a flash of lightning cracked and i embraced him in a hug.

he looked down at me a sighed. there's no way he could reject me now.

"Fine you can sleep with me, but no funny buisness!"

i looked up at him and nodded, i hope he didn't think i was a bother. i walked in and took my place on the right side of the bed. when subaru got in bed he turned around facing the other way.

"is he mad at me."

 i giggled and came up behind him, i rapped my arms around his waist and embrace him in a hug. he flinched and i think he was blushing.

"What are you doing?! kurai!"

i looked up at him when he jerked his head around. i gave him a sly smirk then put my head up against his back.

"Be quiet, im trying to sleep and muffle out the sound of the lightning."

after that i drifted off to sleep. 

It was so peaceful....


I woke up to find myself back in my bed. i looked down at myself to make sure i didn't have any bite marks and to make sure my outfit didn't change.

everything was okay and i flopped back down in my bed, i didn't bother putting the sheet's back on me.

"Did Subaru carry me back? it's highly likely."

i got up and walked out into the hallway and remembered we didn't have any school today. it was saturday, so i could do whatever i wanted.

i think they trusted me enough to let me wander around the house and go places by myself. I walked down the long corridor and i heard a piano playing.

i followed the sound to the music room, it was shuu who was playing. 

"So it was you playing that beautiful melody, shuu, Your so good that i followed it here,"

he looked at me and shorta blushed, probably because i complimented him all of a sudden.  i looked at him with sincere eye's.

"Can i play it some? i alway's loved playing the piano."

he got up off the seat and nodded, i walked over to the piano and sat down. i started playing falling out and hit every note correctly.

shuu looked at me amazed and when i was done he clapped his hands a couple time's. 

"Where did you learn to play like that."

i looked at him with sadly and remebered my past with my mom, there were fun memories. i looked at shuu with dreadful eye's and replied to his question.

"I played the piano with my mom ever since i was 3. but when i turned 13 she passed away form illness and for the next 5 years i taught myself. it was hard, but i managed." 

He looked over at me, and he actually looked like he was sad for me. it was surprising because shuu hardly ever put up an effort to care for anything.

But somehow he managed to cheer me up. he walked up behind me and rubbed my back, then he left the room. 

"What is with him leaving me all alone in a rooms?"

 i sighed and got up from the piano's seat. all of a sudden i got this cold gush of air come from the window. it was fall, winter was ariving soon. i never looked forward to winter. but there's nothing you can do about it. 

I looked over to see Yuma staring at me from the corner of the room. he looked slightly embarassed but he grabbed my rist and pulled me towards him. not a rough pull, but a gentle one.

he wrapped his arm around my waist and looked me in the eye's. this time he didn't look nervous, he looked serious. it made me blush when he leaned in closer to my face. 

"what's he doing!? don't tell me!...." 

I looked up at yuma and to my surprise he kissed me. not just a peck on the lips, but an actual kiss. my face turned red and after he pulled away i looked to the side.

it was to embarassing to look at him. 

"why was my heart beating so fast? don't tell me im manifesting feelings towards him!"

 I looked back up at him and something that he said shocked me. shocked me so much that my ear's flew out.

"I love you, kurai." 

"WAIT! HOLD THE FUCK ON! did he just admit he liked me! omg, OMG! you might as well put a gun up to my head! im in deep trouble! what should i even say, i can't just reject him! 

"U-UHH... Yuma, i don't think i can"....

Before i could answer subaru came in the music room and glared at yuma.

"Looks like the fight starts now"...

WHO AM I GOING TO CHOSE?! you ask, well you already know that answer ;D 

The next part will be uploaded soon! thanks for reading this far! 

Add to library! comment and vote! it would mean a lot to me! 

And if your wondering what song i was talking about, the falling out song is an actual piano song. 

i will put the video above in this chapter. ^



Kurai Okami :D

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