Part 19: Pain \( ;×o×)/

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I awoke from my nap when i noticed subaru was sleeping next to me, i smiled. 

" He's really adorable" 

then all of a sudden he wasn't there anymore. i looked around the room and it was no longer day light anymore. the ouside was now pitch black and i could see nothing, it was like an abyss.

i lunged back in terror as i saw bloody handprints paint my window, it followed with a splating sound. the cracks in my walls started to leak blood and i screamed in horror. 

"KYAHHHH!" then i noticed red eye's outside my window, it was yui. the window unlocked and she crawled threw the window leaving her lifeless, cold body on the ground.

she got up and stared at me with this psychotic smile. i screamed and screamed but no one came to help me. but then i heard subaru's voice.


I lunged up in fright as cold sweat ran down my face. i was totally freaked and shivering in fright. subaru put his hand on my back and comforted me.

all of a sudden i saw everyone flash in my room. they asked if i was okay and what was wrong, i think that's what i heard because my hearing was fuzzy. i answered in a small whisper hardly audioable.

"It's yui, her wrath. she's come to haunt me. she keeps showing up in my dreams and won't go away!"

i said this as i covered my ear's in pain as my head pounded. i could hear voices in my head, small giggles and whisper's. yui has now cursed me. i think she won't leave me alone untill im dead to.

everyone looked at me concerned and gave me weird stares. then subaru broke the weird silence.

"I think you just need some sleep, of course you would have dreams like that from all the tragic things that have happened. just push it off your shoulder's and get some rest. if the nightmares won't stop ask reiji for some medicine."

I looked at all of them with a confused glare. then i got a little irritated.

"You all think im crazy don't you?"

they all looked at me surprised but said no and left the room. it's obvious they think im crazy, i mean i killed someone for christ's sake!

i flopped down on my bed tried from all the nightmares and the pain. i just wanted to rest.


I woke up in my bed and it was nighttime. it was storming pretty heavely and the winds were strong. as i walked down the hallway a flash of lightning came threw the window,

it startled me but i soon regained my footing. i walked down the long hallway into the living room to see the most horific scence infront of my eye's.

i could almost throw up. all of them were dead. all six of them were on the floor of the living room. 

Yui was holding a knife in one hand and in the other hand was subaru's head.

i was so shocked i screamed and fell against the wall.


I screamed. Yui turned around and gave me a evil smirk and started walking towards me. i ran but when i turned around to run she was there behind me and she stabbed me in the stomache with the silver knife.

i screamed then everything went black.


Once i woke up i was drenched in sweat and my stomache hurt like hell. the pain was unbearable, i couldn't take it.

it felt like the dream was real. the pain and the sorrow, it felt like it all happened. i looked down and saw blood all over my hands and body.

"was i halucinating?"

"Or was this blood all over me real?"....

What the hell is happening! that's what im wondering to! im the author and even im wondering what the hell's happening! isn't that just fucking weird?

Anyway thanks for reading my story this far! i will update soon! :D

add to your libary! comment and vote! i would greatly appreaciate it! 

THANK YOU! (´ ▽`).。o♥♡


Kurai Okami

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