Sequel (Bk.2): Chapter 79/When Everything Turned Red

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"Was that her screaming?" Ayato eyed me terrified, the screams easily got to him like they got to such a person like me.

"Do you think we fucked up?" He paused, and I stared at him in worry, knowing whatever I was going to say would no doubt agree with him. "Yeah, we fucked up big, probably not even big, huge." I stared at the mansion covered in crimson flames, the fire raging and the trees aligned with a swirling hiss. "We better hurry and run towards there now-"At that second Kurai crawled out of the the lake, resting her hands and head on the dock, dripping wet and shivering from the frozen water. "It's alright" She consented, "It's me, I promise, somehow the bitch moved to the mansion after she set it on fire." We grabbed her arms and pulled her out, trying not to touch the freezing cold water ourself's.

"We need to go." I demanded, pulling her lifeless body onto her feet, "We need to get Subaru and the others, who knows if they're trapped or not. That hell spawn probably made the fire ten times hotter then the regular." I said pushing her forward, Ayato following behind me. "No one would want to burn in those flames."


"Where the hell is everyone goddamnit!?" I called for Rize and Yoko, but I didn't get a
Reply, I looked everywhere in those burning flames for my kids, and I was slowly losing consciousness myself. The flames were to thick, and the smoke to heavy for my lungs, even for a vampire you could not last long In such conditions.

I ran outside, almost losing my head from a falling pillar near the front entrance, and I called their names again thinking they would be out here, but they weren't. They had to be stuck in the mansion for christ's sake, and there was no way for me to get to them.

"Subaru!" I heard Kurai scream from behind me, pushing up against my back with a huge amount of force, "Where are the kids?" I eyed her, wordless beyond comprehension, and I couldn't bare to say such a thing.

"Are you saying you left them in there!?" She yelled, her voice gripping anger, " Your saying you left our children in that burning house?! Are you mad!?" I cut her off, yelling at her for assuming I was a father that would do such a thing.

"I tried to find them! I looked everywhere! I came outside thinking they had made it out before me,-" I paused, grabbing the hem of her sleeve, "but when i got here they were no where to be found." Kurai eyed me as if she couldn't believe, and without a word she darted towards the raging flames, for her children, for that was something I couldn't do.


"Rize, stop crying for our parents!" I demanded, trying to be strong and hold back the tears, "Throwing a fit won't solve anything, haven't you learned that by now?!" I tried to talk over the hissing of the flames to my sister, who still was crying as I pulled her along through the smoke that made me more out of whack each second.

"So do you know how to get out, onee-San?" Rize pleaded, bursting into tears. "Please tell me you do!" All I could do was stand there and stare at the huge black wolf that walked around the corner, staring at us intently at the end of the long hallway.

"Onee-San, who is that?" Rize asked me, holding onto my arm for dear life, as if she'd slip off a cliff any second. "Not Anyone we should get near." I said, pushing Rize the other way and yelling, "Run!" We darted towards the other direction of the hallway, down corridors, and down many different stair wells to get to the bottom floor. Glass was broken everywhere from the chandelier, Victorian poles lay on the ground lit on fire, and pieces of the wall kept falling down too the red stained floor.

"What do we do Yoko!? It chased all the way here, now we're trapped!" She yelled, wailing at the top Of her lungs, and before you know it, faster then the blink of an eye, it had jumped towards us, ready to rip us to pieces, or so I thought.

Through the screaming from fear I had noticed it had not killed us, but it had bit our clothes and was now carrying us to the entrance in its large mouth, with the intent to save out life's, and the last time I saw a glimpse of its beautiful black fur was the simple words, " Make me proud, my beautiful children." With that last Conceit we fell to the ground, and the flames, rubble, and the mansion came crumbling down on the beautiful animal that saved our life's.

"Yoko! Rize! Are you okay?!" Our father came up to us, yelling and forming a tight hug around are body's. Rize, still curious as a cat asked the expected question, "Who was that black wolf that saved us?" Our father grimly looked at us pain stricken, his face full of grief towards the mistake he had made.

"That was your mother."

(Next chapter will be posted shortly, and it will be the ending of Bk.2, I hope you look forward to it.)

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