Part 22: Forgiveness? \( ゚ヮ゚)/

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I woke up and stared at my ceiling. i was thinking deeply about last night. i remebered the way yui looked at me when she passed.

"Did she forgive me?"

"i highly doubted she would ever forgive me, but that smile. what did it mean"

"why would she smile for me?"

"i killed her,"

"murdered her."

"she shouldn't have any short of forgiveness toward's me."

i sighed and walked towards my balcony in my room. 

""Hey, at least im not having those weird nightmare's or delusions anymore." 

I heard a knock on my door, it was reiji. he explained that it was time for dinner and for me to come down immediantly.

I replied with a solem yes and walked out into the hallway.

he wasn't there when i got out.

"Probably using that damn vampire speed again."

i whispered under my breath in an angry tone as i walked down stairs. i walked into the dining room and sat down next to Subaru and Ayato. everyone has kinda been ignoring me or distant from me, Ever since that INCIDENT.

i don't ever want to speak about it. NEVER again. 

I just wanted my normal wolf life back, so i pushed the past behind me and moved on. there was no point being worried about something thats already said and done. 

After i was finished with my dinner i walked back up to my room to find subaru fast asleep on my bed. i sighed,

"He can be such a pain in the ass sometimes."

 i sat next to him and stared down at his face. he's actually really cute when he sleeps. i rubbed his head and giggled.

i was surprised when he grabbed my rist and threw me ontop of him. 

"Oi kurai, what are you doing?"

he looked at me with an irritated glare. i did what any other girl in this situation would do, i lied.

"I came in here and i found a piece of lint on your face, so i decided to get it off."

i chucked nervously as he continued to stare. then all of a sudden i got a giggle out of him. 

"You really are a horrible liar."

he pulled me down next to him in bed and embraced me. this made me blush heavely.


i said in an embarassed voice.

"Shut up, your annoying. just let me sleep some more."

and then he fell fast asleep. 

"He can be such a child sometimes"

 i sighed and just listened to his command. after a few minute's even i noticed myself drifting off asleep. 


I awoke to find myself in someone else's bed, I think it was subaru's bedroom. 

"But wait, wasn't i in my own room?"

i blushed slightly as the posiblities ran threw my mind. then i heard a voice talk to  me quietly, it was subaru.

"What are you thinking about, perv?"

he was smiling when he said this to me. this mad me a little irritated.


i yelled.

"What do the hell do you think i was thinking about, your the real PERV!"

"but it was true, i was thinking about some pretty perverted stuff. but why would he bring something like that up anyway!?  he's such a jerk."

I looked over at subaru and there was this okward silence but then i cut it off by asking the question i should've asked minute's ago.

"Why am i in YOUR bed?"

he looked at me flustered and made an atempt to leave the room and avoid my question. but before he could leave i grabbed his rist hard and asked him once again.


he made this vicious smile and turned to stare at me. whatever it was he was going to say i was bracing myself for it. 

"Ohhhh~ I thought you wouldv'e remebered last night, did i suck to much blood that you lost your memory?"

i looked at him confused then i blushed when i noticed what he was talking about.

"E-ehh... EHHH...EHHHHHH?!"

i then noticed subaru looking at me and laughing. that bastard was joking.

"how could he!?"

"You seriously believed that?! your so easy to joke with!"

this made me so mad i fisted him in the stomache and walked out of the room toward my bedroom. i was still blushing from the fact of the joke, i needed to stop blushing before a situation comes that i don't like. 

I ran in my room and locked the door, i slid my back against the door and hit the floor.

"why was he being such a jerk?"....

Sorry for taking a long time to post this chapter! the next chapter will be up soon! 

add to your libray! comment and vote! it would mean a lot to me! :D



Kurai Okami

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