Part 5: Date ( Ո‿Ո)

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i walked down the long narrow hallway to my bed room. it was storming again. i changed into my night gown an layed down as the sound's of the lightning pierced my ear's.

i was scared, scared to the point of shivering. then the biggest crack of lightning i had ever heard came to my ear's.

it was like a knife had stabbed my ear's piercing my skull. the sound was like earphone's turned up all the way in your head but a thousand time's worse.

i couldn't take anymore.

I darted to subaru's room and pushed the door open. to my surprise he was standing next to his bed. i darted over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

me doing this caused us to fall on the bed.

"OI, KURAI! get off!"

i only looked up at him with teary eye's and when another flash of lightning came i only buried my head deep in his chest.

doing this caused my chest to push up against him. he blushed slightly and looked away from me.He sat up and had me sit on his lap. i unwrapped my arm's from his waist and put my arm's around his neck.

"Oh im sorry, i forgot that your scared of lightning."

he looked down at me and wrapped his arm's around my waist, then he continued to hug me. this made me feel somewhat better. he grabbed me and laid me next to him in bed,

it surprised me at first but then i calmed down. this feeling, the way he hug's me and treat's me make's me feel safe. i love being around subaru. it some what calm's me.

"i think... i think i.... i think i love subaru."

i slowly drifted off to sleep in his arm's, it was so soothing. 

Next Morning ( tecnically night)...

i awoke to find myself still in subaru's arm's. i wish i could stay like this for longer, just to lay here in his arm's.

"Oi subaru, kurai wake up it's time for breakfeast."


i looked up to find shuu staring down at us. my stomache slowly turned and i felt like i was going to barf.

"ye-yeah give me a second, i'll be down soon".

he looked at us and yawned.

"fine, then make it quick because im tried. oh don't worry, i won't tell anyone. your secret is safe with me."

then with a blink of an eye he was gone.

"that prick! he need's to mind his own damn business!"

i sighed and shook subaru to try to wake him up. he looked at me then lunged back.

"why are you in my bed?!"  i looked at him and smircked.

"Don't worry hot shot, we didn't do anything. you can still see my clothes on right?" i giggled.

he blushed heavely. him getting my joke made me laugh so hard i fell of the bed. once i opened my eye's he was on top of me.

"Oi, do you think im going to let you get away with a joke like that?"

he grabbed my arm kindly and licked it. then he slowly sank his teeth in my rist. it felt good but i still yelped in pain. he unlocked his fang's from my arm then licked the wound.

he gave me a kiss on the cheek and went in the bathroom. probably to change into something more suitable.

We had no school sinse it was friday. it was the weekend and we had like a four day break sinse it was the holiday. Something came to my mind.

"WAIT! maybe...just maybe i'll ask subaru on a date."

"WAIT! what am i thinking!? he won't say yes to me. im a werewolf, his surpreme enemy. he probably doesn't even have a little bit of feeling's for me."

i sighed,

"i mean i guess i'll try. but i don't even know how to ask him!"

"what if he say's no!? i may have to ask my friend about this!"

i called her and told her about everything. she said she understood and had the same problem. she gave me a website that told you how to ask someone on a date. she said it work's a 100%.

I kinda hesitated but i said i would try it out. i hung up the phone and  walked to my room. i got to my room and washed my face cause obviously i was still tired, and got out my laptop.

i looked up the website and it was full of seductive and creepy ways of asking someone out. i chose the least seductive one.

well i think it is and wrote the instruction's down on a small sheet of paper.

"that's it! i'll ask him tonight at 8:00!"

once i thought about it some more i was really nervous, but also scared that he would reject me.

"will he say no?"...

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