Part 41: Fun Day ヽ(^o^)ρ┳┻┳°σ(^o^)/

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Chapter Song: All Time Low Love Like War


I walked out of my room with Mizuki and Hana as I heard Rei scream, I ran to where she was and saw Laito was attacking her. I ran over to her before he could sink his fangs in.

 I grabbed his shirt collor and threw him across the room. 


I screamed as Rei ran over to me and everyone looked worried. 

"Is he stupid!? He's attacking a guest! Reiji would be pissed about this!" 

I looked over at laito and gave him a death glare.

"Get your ass out of my sight before I tell reiji about this Bull Shit."

He gave me an evil stare then with the blink of and eye he dissapeared. I looked down at rei and smiled.

"Are you okay. Did he bite you anywhere?"

She looked at me and frowned, she replied with a scared,


 I looked down at her and my smile faded back to worried expression. But I managed to keep my cool and continue to smile. I looked at everyone and decided whe would do something fun today.

"Hey Rei, Would you like to go get some icecream? Maybe that would cheer you up?"

I gave her a small smile as she looked so exited, she loved icecream. 

Then with a simple answer she yelled,


She jumped up from behind my back and grabbed Mizuki's wrist leading her out of the room, Probably to go pick something to wear. I yelled,

"MAKE IT QUICK! Don't spend to much time picking clothes!"

I heard a Small


then a door slam. Eventually Hana had left to go with Mizuki and Rei, Leaving me Alone in the room. I sighed as I felt someone come up behind me.

"Ayato, Get off of me now."

I hissed as he only tightned his grip from behind, I struggled to break free but to no avail he was stronger. 

"Stop moving, I know you want the punishment you deserve "Okami".

I spun my head around and looked up at him evil. Then with an angry voice I yelled at him.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! You have no right to call me "Okami!"

He gave me an death stare and tightened his arms, Almost at a suffocating state. His frown turned back into a smirk as I was feeling the air leave me.

"Oi, You shouldn't talk to Ore-sama like that "O-K-A-M-I"

He said in a playful voice as he licked my ear. I got the chill's when his warm tounge scraped my neck. 

"Y-Yametei, Ayato!

I whimpered as he sunk his fang's in my neck. It was a really hard bite leaving nothing but pain. 

"Where the hell is Subaru?!"

 I mentally yelled at myself as ayato continued to suck my blood. It was so painful that I started whimpering. Once Ayato noticed he pulled away and looked down at me.

"Are You okay, Okami?"

I looked up at him and smirked.

"So you really have a heart in that "Cold", "Sadistic" body of yours?"

I kept my smirk plastered as he forcefully let go of me and waltzed out of the room inraged. 

"I hit the bullseye didn't I?"

I got up from the floor and quickly regained my footing as Rei and everyone walkied into the room. Mizuki looked at me with a worried expression as she saw the blood run down my neck.

"Kurai, Who did it? Are you okay?"

She said as everyone frowned in worry. I only smiled pushing the pain back as I faked it. 

"Yes im fine everyone, Who would like to go get some icecream?

Then with a smile evryone jumped up and screamed,


Mizuki and Hana grabbed my wrist and pulled my to the front entrance leading me out the door. It was snowing as the Beautiful Rose bushed withered.

The snow covered the ground hiding all the greenery in sight.

"It really is nothing but an ice wasteland isn't it?

" I said to mizuki in a soft voice as she spun around. She smiled and looked back up at the gray sky.

"Yes it really is, But it's still pretty to see everything dressed in white."

She smiled and turned around, cupping her hands with mine,

"Kurai you promise you'll never leave again, and that you'll alway's be with us?"

I looked at her as the word's slipped out of her lip's. I frowned as I answered her question.

"I can't promise that Mizuki, Im staying where ever Subaru's staying, So it's highly unlikely that i'll be coming with you."  

I quickly Regained my smile as tear's started to form in Mizuki's eye's. I hugged her back as everyone joined in,

It was a Group hug.

When whe got to the Ice cream shop Whe ordered All of our selfs Vanilla since none of us are chocolate people, I never understood why.

I looked up at Rei and frowned.

"Are you sure Laito didn't bite you anywhere?Are you just lying and hiding it because he said he would do something to you?

She looked at me surprised and smiled.

"No he didn't Kurai, I'll be just fine."  I looked up at Rei and smirked.

"Fine Rei whatever you say, But were taking a bath together tonight."

She shorta blushed and Looked at me surprised, But she said that she would. 

After whe all were done with are Icecream whe started walking back to the mansion. It was so cold so I didn't know how whe managed to eat that.

Hana looked over at me with a devious smirk. she was obviously planning something. 

"Hana, Why are you continuing to stare at me?"

I scolded as she put her hands behind her head and looked up at the sky."


she said as she snickered. I was really worried now so for the rest of the day I kept my distance from Hana. 

Once I got to my room I flopped in my bed and sighed from exaustment. I was so tired so I decided to call Rei down so we could take a bath together.

But something didn't feel right,

Like something is going to happen.....

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