Part 39: More People ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

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Chapter Song: Britney Spears Womanizer



 I woke up and walked toward's Subaru's room to see if he was awake, And once again it was storming. I sighed as I noticed he wasn't on his bed, He was sleeping in his coffin.

His coffin is big so it could fit two people.

I walked up to his coffin and knocked. I wanted to see if he was awake because I was lonely and wanted company.

I was surprised when he opened his coffin quickly and pulled me in next to him. He closed the door and it became dark, I couldn't see anything.


:S-Subaru! Where do you think your touching!

:Shut up! Let me suck your blood!

:He leaned down toward's my chest and sunk his fangs In. I moaned in pain as the blood ran down my chest

:S-Subaru, Y-Yametei!

:He Only continued sucking my blood an ignoring my cry's. He lifted up my theigh and bit into it

:I want more of you Kurai, Your So intoxicating. I could get drunk off your blood."

:He lifted my skirt and bit into my stomache, I decided I had had enough of this. I slammed open the coffin door and hopped out.


I hopped out and ran toward's the door to run to my room, But before I could leave a hand grabbed me and threw me on The bed. 

"Where do you Think your going? Who said I was done yet?"

He licked my neck and sunk his fang's in deeply, I yelped in pain as he put more pressure on my helpless neck.

Why is he being so rough?

I thought he said he would be gentle!

I grabbed his rist with force causing him to stop. He looked down at me with an annoyed glare and frowned.

"What do you want now?"

He looked down with the same glare and frown. I looked at him and gave him sad and sincere eye's

 "S-Subaru, your hurting me. Can you be more gentle, I don't like it when your rough."

He looked down at me and gave me a smile,

"Sorry, It's just my hunger took over. I'll be more gentle,"

He bent back down and continued to suck my blood, It didn't hurt as much as before. He had lightened his pressure Of his fang's and began drinking slowly, It actually felt quite good.

Once he was done sucking my blood he sat up and looked at Me.

I also sat up and looked at him, I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him. he imediantly kissed back and embraced me in a hug. 

 I wasn't mad about the "little" blood sucking incident that just happened, I was very forgiving toward's Subaru." 

I got up and walked toward's the entrance to smell a sent that was familiar to me and I had smelt so many time's before.

I heard a knock at the door and quickly ran over.

I opened the door and was shocked by who was there,

"It was my Family!"....

OMG! I said I would put her family in soon! XD

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Add to library! Comment and Vote! It would mean a lot to me! :D

Next part will be uploaded soon!


Kurai Okami :D 

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