Part 8: Love ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ

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i walked home with subaru as the moon lit up the sky.

"it's beautiful out tonight"

i said to subaru. he looked down at me and smiled.

"not as beautiful as you."

him saying this made me blush and turn away in surprise.

"haha, very funny."

he giggled, "it's true you really are beautiful."

He stopped me from walking a put his hand against my cheek. i could hardly hear him because he whispered.

"your a 100 time's prettier than the moon, and that's why i love you."

he then pulled me close to him and embraced me.

"you know subaru, if any of the other's found out about our relationship they would find some kind of way to tear us apart. i had to cover up our date, i didn't want anyone wrecking it. and surely one of them would have at least tried. i hope your not mad at me."

he look down at me with a confused glare.

"Im not mad if i were you i would've done the same thing."

"we need to hurry up and get back before anyone see's us. im sure they would've already smelt my scent. so there bound to be coming soon."


he said annoyingly. but before i could get away he kissed me then patted me on the head. i walked down the long path of bushes to the main entrance.

we opened the big door to find ayato and laito standed 10 feet away from the doorway.

"Oi OI, What do we have here?" ayato said in a solem tone.

"it seem's bitch-chan was having fun without us."

"it's not like that!"

i looked over at subaru and he gave me a small nod, meaning for me to cover it up.

"i was walking home and we happened to bump into each other. that's all. okay ayato, laito. do you understand?"

they looked at me confusingly,

"fine we'll believe what you say, but if your lying okami i'll skin that fur right off your body."

this caused subaru to flip out and yell.

"Can you shut the fuck up ayato! if your gonna be fucking rude than don't talk!"

subaru then grabbed my hand and dragged me upstair's.

"Oi subaru your grip is to tight, your hurting me."

he noticed and let go of my hand,


"it's okay, you don't have to feel guilty about it."

he looked at the wall for a second and started talking again.

"It's just when that bastard talk's it get's on my nerve's. all that come's out of his mouth is cheap remark's and threat's!"

"i know right, sometime i just want to take my big canine teeth and rip his head off. but if i were to do that i would be hunted down by your whole family. so that's out off the question."

he took my hand a dragged me into his room.  i was kinda scared because i didn't know what he was doing because he didn't tell me. but knowing subaru he's not going to do anything to hurt me.

he took me in his room and laid me on his bed.

"Oi kurai, your exposing yourself to much with this dress, it make's me want to... give into my ergue's."

he licked my collor bone and sunk his teeth deep into my chest. in reaction i moaned in pleasure. he pulled away and kissed me.

" jesus christ, how much can i love someone?"

 i looked up at him when he pulled away.

"i-i love you subaru,"

i looked at him with greedy eye's.

"me too" he replied in a sweet yet kind voice.

"at that second i was completely intranced".....

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