Part 50: Bet \ ( * -- * )/

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Chapter Song: Get Scared Deepest Cut


I was relieved when I saw Subaru raise his hand, I knew he wouldn't mistreat me to much.

But you never know.

Ayato and everyone gave him an evil glare, He only smirked and looked up at me. 

"I guess he made sure he won the challenge, I mean he's my boyfriend damn it!" 

I looked over at Subaru to tell him I was happy, He just looked away and blushed. I dont know why he did that, But that's just Subaru I guess.

He walked out of the living room and motioned his hand to follow him, And I obediantly followed. I guess he was taking me somewhere. 

Once whe got to a room he stopped infront of his door and turned around sending his glare toward's me. It kinda made me nervous because his glare was so scary.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into his room, Locking the door behind him. I gave him a concerned glare, Like a glare you give someone when they're about to do something.

"S-Subaru, What are you doing?" 

I said as he threw me onto the bed, He was actually gentle about it.

He climbed ontop of me and pinned me down, Making sure I would stay still. He didn't use much force, and I didn't fight back.

He bent down toward's my neck and he sunk his fangs in, He was suprisingly Kind about it. He inbraced me as he drained the blood out of my body.

He unlocked his fangs from my neck and flopped down neck to me in bed, I looked at him confused as he laided there and closed his eye's.

"Is that all? What's wrong?"

I looked at him confused as he just laid there.

He looked over at me and hugged me without any warning, I wasn't surprised.

"I'm not hungry, So I don't care. Just stay still and shut up."

He said as he tightened his grip around my waist, He soon fell alseep with me in his arm's. I smiled as he laid there fast asleep.

I soon fell asleep after him, I wanted to stay like this forever.


\\\\KURAI'S P.O.V////

I woke up to see Subaru still hugging me in his sleep, I looked up at him to see a angry face.

"Was he having a bad dream?"

I shook him so he could wake up, I didn't want him to continue having a nightmare.

"SUBARU! Wake up!"

I yelled as I shook him, He woke up wide eye'd as he lunged up in bed. He had sweat dripping from his face like a water fall. 

What the hell was he dreaming about?

\\\\SUBARU'S P.O.V////

I sat up in bed with sweat puring down my face as I remebered the nightmare, It was so horrifing. I don't know why, But Yui was in it.

"Why The hell am I dreaming about Yui?"

I whispered as Kurai heard me, She imedianlty grabbed me and rubbed my back. She glared at me worried as I holded my face in frustration. 

"What the hell are you talking about, Subaru?!"

"Why are you dreaming about Yui?!"

She yelled as her voice rang through my ear's, She was so loud. I looked at Kurai and covered her mouth with my hand.

"Your to loud, Quiet down!"

I said as she untenced and her eye's lightened, She shook her head telling me to take my hand off. I took my hand off and stared down at my hand's. 

Kurai looked at me then bent down lower toward's the side of my face, She whispered in my ear making sure she wasn't loud.

"What was the dream about Subaru?"

She asked as she rubbed my back, She lunged up and Ran toward's the bathroom, I could hear the sink running as she ran back with a wet rag. 

She sat back next to me and rubbed my forehead with the cold rag, It made me feel better and the shivering from the fear subsided. 

"Subaru, Do you feel better now? You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to."

She said as she withdrew the cloth from my face, I might as well tell her. 

"But will she freak out when I tell her?....

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