Part 18: End To Madness =^● ⋏ ●^=

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I awoke to find myself staring at my ceiling. i sighed as sweat dripped down my face. i also looked to see i had no blood on me. 

"It was a dream"

i was aleast relieved it was a dream and not real. i noticed everyone staring at me from all places of the room.

" i guess they all figured out i murdered yui, i looks like it's the end of me, huh?"

i looked around the room and talked to everyone in a angry tone.

"What do you want"

i sneered and wrinkled my nose in anger. they all looked at me in surprise but those expressions changed quickly. they looked at me in anger, well exept subaru. he really didn't care. 


ayato yelled furiously. i didn't respond and looked down at my hands. then a rage was created in me and i yelled.

"IT'S NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUISNESS! it's nothing any of you should worry about! now get the FUCK OUT!"

then i lunged back in surprise when ayato flashed in front of me. he grabbed my face a dug his nails in my chin.

i grinted my teeth in pain as he kept putting preasure on my face. 

Oi bitch, you shouldn't talk to me like that. this caused me to rip my head away from his hands and slap him. 


he looked at me with a really angry faceal expression and grabbed my rist with all his strength. so hard he almost broke my hand.


i looked at him and smirked and said something that proabaly infuriated him.

"Ohhhh~ do you want me to fucking do it again!?"

that angry face of his slowly turned back into a twisted smile. 

"You really want to be punished don't you, cunt?"

he laughed and went toward's my neck. but i fought back a kneed him in the stomache than kicked him off of me.

i laughed and insulted him.


"your really amusing ayato, who thought you could look so pathetic?"

then i kept laughing more. i looked at all the others and gave them a psyhcotic smile.

"Do you still want to stick your nose in my fucking buisness?"

i then started walking back to my bed and sat down.

I looked at my hands and remebered me murdering yui. it sent chills down my spine everytime i remembered.

 i looked up at them and gave them a dreadful stare, one full of sadness and guilt.

"I know the things that i have done will never be forgiven, and i will forever be tainted with sin. but at the same time i don't expect to be forgiven."

"i know that the things i have done have grave consequences and i will gladly exept any punishment you give me."

They looked at me with surprised expressions, but then there expressions softened and then in a blink of an eye they all dissapeared with the blink of an eye, exept subaru.

he walked over to me and sat next to me in bed. 

"What do you want?"

i asked sternly. he only looked at me then hugged me. i was quite surprised when he did that. i thought since i killed yui he was going to hate me, but he didn't.

i looked at subaru with sad eye's.

"Don't you hate me?"

he looked at me surprised and said no. then he leaned down and kissed me. it wasn't a long one, it was just a few seconds before he pulled back. 

"im still mad at you for killing her, but i could never hate you, kurai."

i was shocked by his response and after a few seconds i lunged up and embraced him.

"How could he still love a monster like me?"....

AWWW! KAWAI RIGHT! i hope you all enjoyed! i made the chapter a little longer this time so i hope you guy's liked the long chapter!


i will be updating soon so add this to your libary! comment and vote! :D

THANK YOU! (*´▽`*)


Yuma Mukami

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