Part 53: Fire & Vampire's \ ( # o # ) /

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Chapter Song: NickleBack Savin" Me


I woke up to find that the hospital had caught on fire. I could see the crimson flame's from outside my door window, Just then I knew I was in some deep shit.


I whispered under my breath, How was going I to get out of this?

Just then my door broke down to reveal a man with blood all over his mouth, He had ripped clothes and crimson red eye's. He was a....


This vampire was definantly the cause of the fire, Or even multiple. I had to get out of there imediantly, And fast.

I ripped the IV needle out of my arm and turned into my wolf form, I ran up and swiftly ripped his head off.

I continued to quickly run out of the room and escape, I was killing vampire's left and right....


\\\\SUBARU'S P.O.V////

I ran up to the hospital with all my brother's, We stared at the gigantic building in terror as the crimson flame's ingulfed it.


I screamed as I turned to everyone else, they had the same expression I had. They only  looked down at the ground in deviance. They knew nothing....


I yelled as I turned around surprised to see that Kurai had jumped out of a window that was on the 4th story of the hospital.

She landed on her feet with ease as she looked up at us and growled, She was obviously pissed.

I ran up to her and yelled, I was so worried about her.


I yelled as her expression lightned, It soon changed when multiple vampire's had shown up infront of the burning building.

She swiftly ripped there head's off with ease and stared back at us,

"We need to go, NOW!"

She yelled as we ran away from the burning hospital, We didn't see any vampire's following us so we slowed to as stop, She looked up at me with worried eye's.

"Who did this? Who would even do something this twisted?"

She asked as she lowered he head and folded down her ear's in sadness, She felt bad because she knew the attack was to be set apon her.

"It's all my fault."

She whispered as whe all finally got to the mansion, Whe stopped in our track's surprised with what was infront of us.

It was Karl Heinz....

"What the fuck was he doing here?"....

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