Sequel (Bk.2): Chapter 76/Are We One's To Lie?

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"Yoko! What was that we just seen!?" Rize yelled at me as we ran through the thick snow towards home, are feet as if they were frozen stiff. All i could do was look at her, tears running down my face endlessly at the sight of my mother killing a innocent person. I never knew that in my wildest dreams my mother would ever do such a thing.

"You are to speak of nothing about this incident with father." I demanded, awaiting an answer from my so fragile little sister. "Why can't we tell him, i mean-" I cut Rize off, "Are you serious!? Do you know what she said back there? She said she'll punish us, and im not gonna go through anything she has in mind." Rize looked at me, ashamed at being yelled at by her sister she so desperately clinged to, and i felt sorry for hollering at her. 

"Rize, just please don't yet, i'll tell father when we think of a plan." My sisters eyes stared at me, awaiting the finish of my sentence. "Just let me think of something, and when i do we'll go through with whatever option is the best, we can't hurry ourself's in a situation like this." Rize looked down to the cold steps as i opened the door, and ended up bumping into our uncle Ayato. He stared at us smiling, obviously wondering why were out so late in the cold.

"Why are you guys out?" Ayato questioned, " Your father should've put you to bed by now? By my guess he forgot to, being so busy with all that paperwork." He grabbed both our hands, and pulled us inside the warm aired mansion. "I might as well put you to bed for him, since he won't do it because of being so busy." Ayato gripped our hands harder, walking up the stairs making sure not to lose track of the nieces he tried to care about. "Do you want Ore-sama to tuck you in, little ones?"

We stared at him blankly, not uttering a word. I don't really hang out with Ayato, I feel intimidated by his harsh appearance, but my sister seemed to be attached to him in a odd way. Rize being the stupid brat she is, tugged on our uncles shirt causing him to stop halfway down the hallway. "What?" Ayato questioned Rize as she looked up at him, trying to be cute to get what she wanted.

"Uncle Ayato," Rize pleaded, "Can i have a piggy-back ride?" Ayato looked flabergasted at my sisters request, and was weirded out by an order given to him by a little child, which is called his niece by the way. "Why should i give you one?" Ayato scolded, "Being the little twerp you are, i really don't have time to-" Rize cut him off with a pouty face even mister Ore-sama couldn't deny. "But i love you, uncle-tan." With that he scooped my sister up onto his back, and carried her down the hallway with blush filling his face. 

"Just this once, ok. I just hope you never remind me of this embarassing moment." Ayato demanded as he only grew more blush by Rize's laugh from the sudden stupiity that coveyed from our so self indulging uncle, i couldn't help but laugh while holding his hand.

Once we reached our room, Ayato sat us down in our bed, tucked us in the sheets, and tried to walk out but was once again stopped by my sister. "Uncle-tan, you forgot the hug." Ayato sighing, he turned around and gave both of us a short lived hug, whispering "Spoiled little brats" under his breath while leaving the room. It was silent once our uncle had left us alone, together falling asleep faster then the flick of a lighter. Before i had drifted off into slumber, Rize tugged on my sleeve stopping my eyelids from closing further. 

"Onee-san, what are we going to do about mother?" She asked me in a low whisper, so quiet a mice couldn't even hear it. Pulling the covers over my mouth and closing my eyes i sighed. "I won't lie to father."  I said in a low monotone voice. "Were not one's to lie aren't we, my dear little sister?" With that said, me and Rize drifted off to sleep, hoping we would not have a nightmare from are previous encounter with our mother, who was no doubt mysterious. 

(Next chapter will be posted shortly, and i apologize since this was kind of a retarded chapter)

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