Part 52: Hospital (•_•) ( •_•)

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Chapter Song: Three Day's Grace Never To late


 I woke up to see myself in a hospital bed, I had an Air Mask on and It was really hard to move. I was so sore.

"What the hell happened?"

I said as I tried to sit up, My back hurt like hell. I just laid back down in my bed as I stared at the ceiling.

I knew I was in some deep shit. I think I fractured my back, But I could still feel my other limbs and move them easyly. I guess nothing is serious, but still im worried.

"Is my back broken?"

I whispered to myself as Ayato and Subaru walked into the room, I looked over at them as I tried to sit up. Subaru appeared next to me an pushed me down gently against the bed.

"You need to rest, It's okay."

He said to me kindly as I listened to him, I didn't feel like moving anyway. I looked up at them as I had worried eye's.

"What the Fuck happened?"

I asked as Ayato looked pissed, But he also looked worried for me. He stepped next to Bubaru and glared at me.

"You were a retard and jumped in to save Kanato. You didn't have any hesitation, It's like you knew it was going to happen."

Subaru looked over at me worried because the same thing happened in the dream, It's like it told the future. But it was still Yui's doing, She had done it. 

"How did you know?"

Ayato asked as Everyone else appeared in the room, They also all had a worried expression on their faces. I looked at them and smiled as the mask was still on my face.

"Im fine everyone, You don't have to look so worried."

I said as I took the mask off, I knew I didn't need it. The nurse's probably used it as a precaution, Just to make sure my lung's didn't colapse from the pressure.

Reiji looked at me concerened as I took the mask off.

"Are you sure you should be taking that off?"

He asked as I laid the mask next to me in bed, Why are they being so caring and wanting to know if im okay? I know subaru I can understand, But everyone else. 

"It's fine."

I said in a stern voice as everyone got off my back about it, Kanato looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you"

He said as I smiled back at him, He seemed somewhat surprised that I said that.

"Anything for a friend." 

I stated as I stared to my side and looked out the window, It was nighttime so I probably slept a whole day.

"How long have I been out?" 

Subaru looked at me and crossed his arms, He leaned up against the wall and stared out the window.

"Six hours, You pretty much slept all day."

He said as the nurse walked in the room, Everyone's glare fixated on her. I guess whe had some type of news.

"Whe just got finished examining your X-Ray's, And it's not serious."

She said as everyone untenced, I guess they were hoping for no bad new's. Maybe they cared about me even in the slghtest.


Everyone looked at her and tenced up again. She hadn't explained my injuries yet, Obviously it was my back.

"You have a fractured spine and multiple cut's on your back, It will take 6 month's to fully recover from the injuries and plus the fractured spine.

I looked at her and smiled, I wasn't surprised or even mad about it.

"That's what I thought."

The nurse smiled back at me and holded the clip board closer to her chest, I guess she was also worried for me.

"It should heal soon, The doctor said you would be able to leave in a couple day's." 

The nurse said as she walked out of the room, I looked over at the other's and gave them a smile.

I sighed as I looked back out of the window.

"That isn't surprising, I mean a Damn cabnet fell on me."

I sighed again as I coninued to stare out the window, I wasn't as worried as I probably should have been. 

Laito looked at me and frowned, He was probably thinking about the same thing I was thinking about. 

"You should be more worried about yourself, Bitch-chan."

He said as a smiled was plastered back on his face,

"Why was he smiling about it?"

"I really don't care about myself that much anymore, I don't see much of a point."

I said as everyone looked at me surprised, I guess they didn't expect such an answer from me. I really didn't care though.

"Why do you think that, Bitch-chan?"

Laito asked as everyone only stared at me. I got really mad because they didn't need to know about why I thought like that.


My mood drastically changed as I got pissed, I flinched back in pain As my back started to hurt again.

I  fIxated my glare back at everyone with and apologetic smile, Expecially Laito.

"Im sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you all like that."

I said as I looked back out the window, I felt really guilty as I stared back up at the star's. I looked back at laito with a guily look.

"And expecially you, Laito. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that"

He looked at me and smiled, I think he forgave me.

"It's fine, No need to apologize."

I looked at him and smiled, I flopped my lifeless body back against my bed. I stared up at the ceiling as I thought about what to do with my back.

Reiji looked at me and pushed his glasses up on his face, He was probably going to say something.

"I think we should let her rest, We'll come visit her in the morning. Now, Come boy's."

Reiji said as he motioned his hand for all of them to follow, Everyone had lefted the room but Subaru. Ayato looked at him and pointed. 

"What about him?"

Reiji looked at Subaru then back at Ayato, He had smiled and once again pushed his glasses up against his face.

"He will be with us shortly."

Reiji said as Ayato looked at Subaru and frowned, Reiji had closed the door leaving me alone with Subaru in the room.

He walked up and gave me a peck on the lip's.

"You get some rest, I'll be back to check on you in the morning."

I smiled as he dissapeared out of the room,

"I love him so much"

I said as I closed my eye's and drifted off to sleep....


I was half asleep when I started to smell smoke,

Was the damn hospital on fire?.....

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