Part 44: VALENTINES SPECIAL! \ ( >////< ) /

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Chapter Song: NightCore Move Shake Drop


I woke up and noticed it was valintine's day!


I remembered that I bought chocolate's the day before,

They were for Subaru.

I blushed thinking of the posibilities today,

What's going to happen? 

 I walked down the long hallway to run into Subaru, He looked at me then walked the other way.

He was blushing.

"What's wrong with him?"

I thought as I walked behind him down the stairway.

I gathered up enough courage to ask him to go somewhere with me today. 

I walked up and grabbed his arm, He turned around and blushed.

"Oi Subaru, Will you go somewhere with me today?"

He looked down at me and blushed.

He couldn't look at me for long so he looked up at the ceiling avoiding my gaze.

He so cute that my Heart went,


When he was turned around I hugged him from behind,

I made sure to push my chest up against his back.

"Please Subaru, Will you?"

I made him turn around and I lunged up and kissed him.

This greatly surprised him because he looked like he had sunburn on his face.


I thought to myself as I continued to kiss him. I unlocked My lip's from his as he continued to stare down at me embarassed. 

I heard a small whisper escape his lip's,

"F-Fine, I'll go somewhere with you."

He said as he looked to the side avoided my glare. 

"Ohhhh~ Why won't you look at me? Is there something on my face?" 

I pushed my chest up against him and looked up at his pink eye's,

He looked completely intranced.

"S-Stop teasing me!"

He yelled as he still wouldn't look at me,

this made me irritated.

"Maybe I would stop teasing you if you would look at me!"

I talked sternly as I licked his neck. 

I pulled away and looked at him again.

He slowly looked down at me with his faced still flushed as ever,

He was so adorable when he's embarassed. 

I smiled and grabbed his hand,

I dragged him out the door an into the cold snow,

it was beauitiful out today. even though it looks like a wasteland full of snow,

It was still beautiful. 

I looked up at Subaru as I smiled thinking of just the right place to go,

Maybe whe should go the mall?

I looked back up at subaru and touched his face, To get his attention.

He was so surprised that he lunged back and blushed heavely,

i'v alwaay's noticed that when he's touched by me. I don't know why, but it just happen's.

"Hey Subaru, Would you like to go to the mall with me?"

I asked in the  nicest voice possible. He looked down at me and nodded.

"I guess that mean's a yes?" 


Whe walked in and the mall was so big! i'v actually never been to the mall before!

Whe were walking when we spotted a Cake shop that said....-->


I just had to go in there with Subaru, i pulled on his coat to get his attention. Once he looked at me I pointed at the store to make his eye's go to it. 

"Oi Oi Subaru, I want to go in there!" 

I smiled the biggest cutest smile I could think of,

and I think I made his heart beat fast. 

He didn't say anything he just nodded as I pulled him inside the store,

It was surprisingly maid like and was really Royalish in style.

I sat down at a table and a Maid imedianly came and took our order.

"Ohiyo! what would you like to order today?"

She said as a small smile was plastered on her face.

 I smiled and told her that I wanted.


Earl Gray Tea

Strawberry Shortcake

2 cupcake's


Then the maid looked at Subaru then back at me,

"What Will your Boyfriend be ordering?

I looked up at her with a flushed face,





/ ( O////O) \

EHHHHHHH!? I screamed,

not loudly but in a loud voice, She looked at me and laughed,

"You guy's are such a cute couple! Actually, Meet me at the back of the store! whe have a surprise for you!

i looked at her strange and nodded.

"What the hell is this ladies problem?!"

I thought to myself as I waited for my food.

I saw the butler come over and hand us out food,

He looked like Sebastian off of black butler, I whispered,

"Sebby-san is that you?"

No one could hear me though. 

I looked over to see Subaru giving the butler and evil glare,

I sense jealousy! 

I leaned over and looked straight into his eye's and smircked,

"Ohhh~ What's wrong Subaru? Are you Jealous!?"

I leaned in closer to his face as he blushed. 

We ate are food and it was time for me and Subaru to go back,

what did this maid want?......

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