Part 32: Stalkers ⊂('O -- O⊂ )∘˚˳°

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 I woke up to find the bandage still on my hand and i was laying down in my bed. i could still feel the pain in my hand, it hurt like hell.

i grabbed my hand and cupped it to kinda subside the pain. i wish i could do something to make it stop hurting. i got up and walked to my bath room to take the bandage off. once i took it off there were blood stains all over it. 

"Fuck this hurt's."

i grabbed a rag and wet it. i put it in between the bandage and my hand and rapped it up. it created a sloothing sensation and stopped the stinging.

i clipped it back together and i was fastened firmly. i looked in the mirror and stared at myself.

"I probably need to go down and make food for everyone because reiji is not up to it today."

i walked out into the hallway and went down to the dining room. nobody was down yet so i decided for breakfeast today i would make eggs and bacon,

and since mr. Ore-sama want's takoyaki i'll fucking fix it.

I Got out the ingrediant's and started cooking, i pulled my hair back and put a apron on. it felt like i was some mom cooking for a bunch of kids. and like before, i said i hated feeling like a mom.

i sighed and continued cooking.  then i felt someone come behind me and rap there arms around my neck forming  a hug. just then i knew who it was.

"Subaru, Good morning."

I felt a nod at the back of my head and then the arms released from the hug.

 I kept on cooking and when i was finshed i put an equal ammount on each plate and sat them at the table. once i sat down subaru's plate he immedianlty started eating.

he obviously was hungry. then everyone else came down and took there place at the dining table. once they took a bite of my food they looked totally intranced. it was actually quite funny. ayato looked at me and smiled.

"Did you make this food? it's really good."

i looked over and slightly blushed because i'v never been complimented about my cooking. i smiled and nodded my head in response. 

"Yeah i made this, i decided today i would fix food since reiji wasn't feeling well today. and he's also not down here yet. i'll take some medicine up to him in a second".

once i finished my meal i went to the medicine drawer and noticed that we had NO medicine, zipo medicine. 


i cursed and everyone looked over at me and wondered what was wrong.  Laito looked at me and smiled, probably being amused from me being pissed.

"What's wrong Bitch-chan, why are you cussing over there?"

i looked over at him with an annoyed expression. i replied and sounded angry while doing it.

"Were out of medicine so i need to go out and get some. you guy's keep the house ocupied while im gone, and watch after reiji!"

i grabbed my coat and walked out the door. it was like 35 degrees outside. it was so fucking cold. i walked down the long road toward's the CVS.

"let's hope i don't get kidnapped while going to the store."

but do those fuckers have another thing coming to them. i'll rip their fucking heads off.  i looked up at the sky thinking.

"Wait, what medicine do i need to get? i guess i'll have to see when i get there."

once i got in i picked some cold medicine up and payed for it. i walked out of the CVS and started walking home. all of a sudden i started feeling like i was being watched, i turned around to see what it was.

i looked a few way's back to see a dude in a hood following me. 

"Did he think i wouldn't notice?! whoever's following me right now is a dumbass!"

i turned into my wolf form and ran back to the mansion. i barged threw the door and turned back into a human. 

"Thank god i still have the bag."

i put it down as ayato and subaru came running down. they looked at me concerned and spoke softly to me. 

"What happned? why are you panting so hard?"

i looked up at them as sweat dripped down my face. i was so exausted. i answered in a low voice you could probably call a whisper.

"Someone was following me so i ran away, i don't know if they saw me come here."

 ayato looked at me with an angry expression and crossed his arms. he's probably irritated with the situation. 

"Did you see who it was?"

i replied and shock my head and looked back down at my feet.

"No, the person had a black hood on covering his face. so i don't know who it was."

they both looked at me with concerned eye's then they looked at eachother.

"It's settled, you aren't going anywhere by yourself anymore. you have to at least be with one of us at all time's."

i looked at subaru and smiled. he was worried about me. 

"But what the fuck is going on!?".....

OMG! creeper alert! who the hell is following her?! well you find that out in the next chapter! >:D

the next part will be uploaded soon! add to library! comment and vote! it would mean a lot to me! :D



Kurai Okami

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