01| Where you meet

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Raymond Palmer

You met Ray when you started working for Palmer Tech.

"Hello and welcome to Palmer Tech" Ray says as you walk into his office, "are you ready to start as my personal assistance" , you smile and nod your head. He smiles back, with his signature goofy smile.

However, he fired you as soon as you broke something because you had powers that you couldn't control. This put hatred between the both of you and you were both as shocked as the other when you saw each other on the roof that night.  You soon become best of friends after Ray saved your life and you saved his.

Rip Hunter

You met Rip when he recruited you to be part of the Legends and to stop Vandal Savage.

"I have recruited you guys because in the future you guys are Legends" Rip says, grasping your attention. "Legends, really?" Snart says "I'm a criminal, not a legend"

You got really excited when you joined the Legends team and when you first stepped on the waverider

Leonard Snart

You two met each other in prison. Typical. The Flash caught both of you so when you both escaped you decided to team up and work together to defeat the Flash.

Sirens blared. Cops shouting. Alarms going off. "It's been nice knowing you Snart" you say to him, shooting a cop. "Yeah, how about we keep knowing each other. Be my partner with Rory and let's defeat The Flash together" Snart says to you, also shooting another cop. You smile and nod your head "sure, Captain Cold"

You were both very happy when you both got chose, with Rory, to go on the waverider and travel through time.

Sara Lance

You met Sara Lance when Rip Hunter recruited you both to join his team.

"I think we're being punked" Ray says as we walk towards Professor Stein, "do people still say punked?" He also asks. You sigh. "No" says Sara blankly. You smirk. "Geeky boys and their vocab" you whisper in her ear. She smiles, then does a little laugh "I know"

You guys get on straight away, which you loved.

Mick Rory

You are Snarts little sister. So you met each other during the fight against the Flash.

"How are we going to escape when both of us are in here?" Mick asks Snart as they move along the world in a truck, "just wait my dear friend" Snart says. Soon Mick and Snart heard gunshots outside, with people groaning. The truck stood still. Snart smiles. "Why are you smiling?" Mick asks, harshly. Soon the doors of the truck opened and stood there was you. All dressed in black, "hello boys" you say, smiling. "Hello sis" Snart says. "Another one? I thought you just had Lisa?" Mick says, jumping out of the truck. "Nope, 3 Snart siblings. Me, Lenny and Lisa who is MIA" you say, smiling, "now come on, before back up comes"

So because of you being Leonard Snarts sister, Rip had to take you too.

Jefferson Jackson

You met Jax when you needed help with your car.

"Hello, can anyone help me?" You ask when you walk into the garage. "I can help you, tell me your problem" a boy says, walking up to you. "That's the problem, I don't know the problem, it's just that my car has been playing up" you say, crossing your arms in frustration. The boy started looking at the car, inspecting it. "I know the problem" he says "let me fix it" you smile and reply back "thanks...." "Jax" "thanks Jax"

You were both very surprised when you saw each other again on the roof that night.

Nathaniel Heywood

You met Nate in 1930 when he came to save you after Rip scattered you.

"Hello, Miss (Y/L/N)?" You hear someone say. Your turn around and stood there was a strange man with Ray, Rory and Sara. "Guys" you shout, you run and hug Sara, your sister. "Who's this guy?" You say pointing at Nate, "he's a historian who has come to save us and put the team back together" Ray says, giddy.

You both become great friends as soon as punched him in the face for being a jerk.

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