36| You get drunk

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Raymond Palmer

You pick up your seventh bottle of beer and to be truthful you are a lightweight. "Raaayyyyyy" you moan to your boyfriend "did I tell you I had a puppy back on earth", he laughs and shakes his head "Raaayyy, I left Charlie on his own, nooooo" you say and then suddenly start crying. "Aww, you're cute when drunk" Ray says, hugging you, "now let's get you to bed" he finishes.

Rip Hunter

Jumping up on down on Rip's bed. That's what you do when drunk. "Ripppppyyyyy, come join me" you say, still jumping on the bed. He shakes his head, "no and you should stop doing it" he warns you. You don't listen to him and jumping higher and ended up hitting your head. You lie on the bed. You can usually cope with pain but when drunk, you can't. "Owwwww" you cry out. Rip comes over to you and kisses your head while trying not to laugh.

Leonard Snart

"And iiiiiiiiiiiiii, will always love youuuuuu" you sing, badly. Leonard laughs. You open up another bottle of beer and take another drink. You soon start to dance, while on the table. Leonard, not being able to stop himself from laughing. "Y/N, be careful or you'll fall" he says. You continue to dance and suddenly you loose your balance, you fall but Leonard catches you, "aww thanks Lenny, you're my knight in shining armour" you tell him.

Sara Lance

Another bottles is opened and you take another large gulp. "Babe, how much have you had?" Sara asks you. "Not a lot" you slur. She smiles "if you say so". You start dancing, trying to get Sara to dance also, she declines every time. Suddenly your heel snaps and you fall on the floor. "Omg, my life flashed before my eyes" you say, Sara leans down and tells you "that's enough to drink"

Mick Rory

"Here's another one babe" Mick says handing you another bottle of beer. You open it and take another drink. You climb onto the table and start dancing. "Whoo" Mick laughs, who is also drunk. Suddenly you felt sick and dizzy. The next thing you remember is you falling off the table and hitting your head. "Owww" you cry out. "I'm going to sleep now"

Jefferson Jackson

"Hey, you need to keep quite before someone hears us, you know we are to young to drink" Jax laughs. You laugh loudly and take another sip out of your cup. "It'll be fine Jax, don't worry" You reply, jumping on his bed. "Let's party Jax" you continue. He grabs your waist and you stupidly jump onto him, seeing as he has bad reflexes at the moment you both fell on the floor. You both laughed but you were both in pain.

Nathaniel Heywood

"Nathaniel Heywood do you know how beautiful you are?" You slur to him, resting your arms on his shoulders. "I do know but so you know how drunk you are?" He replies. You laugh "oh, I'm not drunk babe". He nods his head. "Let's go to bed" he tells you. You shake your head "I don't want to" you cry. He laughs but he picks you up and carries you to your room.

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