73|What they do when your on your period

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Raymond Palmer

He hugs you as you lay in your bed. He also brings you cookies and ice cream when you ask, which is usually every hour.

Rip Hunter

He makes you a cake and let's you eat all of it on your own. He also lets you stay in bed all day while watching TV

Leonard Snart

He just leaves you be because he knows how he gets when your are on your period. But whenever you ask him to be with you, he does so.

Sara Lance

Being a girl too, she understand what happens so she sits and eats ice cream with you. You watch a lot of movies together.

Mick Rory

He leaves you alone. He stays away from you, not wanting to lead you to anger. He sits in the kitchen while you sit in your bunker.

Jefferson Jackson

He cuddles you. He brings your food and painkillers which helps you a lot. He also give you a teddy when he can't be there.

Nathaniel Heywood

You both sit in your bunker cuddling. He reads to you and brings you food and painkillers.

A/N: oh look, it seems like I do have time to post a chapter for you. No new chapter tomorrow though, sorry!

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