144| Raymond Palmer imagine

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Word count: 246

Requested by: no one

You hug your Dad. "Everything's going to be okay Pops" you tell him as you give him the amnesia pill. "You travel through time and save the world" he says, taking the pill from your hands, "I'm proud of you Y/N" he finishes, taking the pill. "Now rest" you command as he sits on your bed. You walk out of the room and you see your boyfriend walk out of his. "How's your dad doing?" He asks you. "Ah, he's doing fine. He's just resting" you reply "and how's Anna?" You finish, asking him. "She's resting too. I'm just going to talk to Rip" he replies, kissing your cheek as he walks away. You nod your head and walk in the opposite direction. You passed Ray's room to see Anna crying. "Hello, are you okay?" You asks her, walking into his room. She wipes the tears away and nods her head. "Yeah" she replies. You sit next to her "would you like me to get Raymond for you?" You ask her. She shakes her head "I don't want him to see me like this" she tells you. "Hey, I know Ray and he would want to see you like this because he is such a thoughtful and caring man" you explain, smiling to yourself. "Thanks for the compliment Y/N" Ray says as he walks in. "It's no bother" you reply, smiling at him. Ray brings Anna into a hug "there is no need to cry" he whispers, rubbing her back. Anna then starts to kiss Ray. You climb off the bed and walk out the room.

The team takes back all your loved ones back and you sat in your bunker, eating a cupcake. "Knock knock" your favourite voice says, you look in the direction it came from and smiled at Ray. He walks in, sitting next to you on your bed. "What's the matter?" He asks you, bringing you onto his lap. You rest your head on his chest "it's nothing Raymond" you reply. "You told Anna to tell me about her feelings so why don't you follow your own advice?" He tells you. "It's just jealousy Raymond, of your dead fiancé" you admit. He laugh "you're so adorable" he awed, kissing the top of your head, "Anna was my past and you're my future" he finishes. You look up and kiss Ray lovingly. "And I'm glad you are my future" he compliments, once the kiss breaks. "I'm glad you're my future too Raymond" You reply, resting your head back on his chest.

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