03| Your First Kiss

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Raymond Palmer

It happened on the waverider, in your bunker.

"It's so good to be back on the waverider" Ray says, walking into your bunker which you shared with Sara. You laugh. "We are terribly sorry about leaving you" you say to Ray, as he sat down on your bed, "so, what happened there?" He opens his eyes wider "oh, nothing" he lies. You laugh, "if you say so."

You stand up, about to leave the room, when suddenly Ray's hand grabbed yours and spun you around so you are facing Ray, faces inches apart. Ray looks at you in your eyes, then down at your mouth, then back at your eyes. Suddenly, your lips met, moving in sync with each other. Fireworks burst around you two. Your lips detached from each other's "promise me nothing will ever get between us" Ray says, resting his forehead on yours. "I promise Raymond" you kiss his nose and leave him to go to the kitchen.

Rip Hunter

It happens on the waverider, in his office.

"Captain" you say, walking into his office "Jax said you wanted to see me". Rip turned around and faced you. Suddenly the doors to the office closed, making you jump a little. It always makes you jump. "Ah, yes" he says in his British accent "can you come look at these please" he continues, pointing at the stuff on his desk. You nod your head and walk to the desk.  You place both hands on the desk and look at all the sheets of paper which are on his desk.

You look up to Rip, "what do you want me to tell you, I'm guessing you know wh-" you get interrupted by Rip's lips on yours. You happily kiss back. Soon the kiss was over. "So this is what you called me in for" you smirk. Rip mimics your smirk and nods his head "yes it is"

Leonard Snart

It was in the Wild West

"Welcome to the Wild West" Ray shouts as we walk through the town. "Shut up Ray" Snart says, pointing his gun at him "or I'll shoot" he finishes of his threat. You sigh and place your hand on his hand which was holding the gun and you push it down towards the floor, "no threats" you whisper in his ear. He sighs and turns to look at you.

He grabs your arms and wraps them around his neck, he then places his hand on your waist. "I'm so glad I have you Y/N" he softly says, kissing your nose, then your left cheek. Then your mouth. Sparks fly around the two of you. You hear the other Legends with their chorus of "awwws". The kiss seemed to last forever. As soon as the kiss was over, he kisses your right cheek. "Right, after that lovey dovey stuff, let's get on with the mission" Rip says breaking up yours and Leonard's moment.

Sara Lance

It was in your shared bunker on the waverider

"Sometimes I want to punch Kendra in the face" Sara says walking into your shared bunker. You laugh "don't we all Sara, all she ever talks about is Carter". Sara sits down next to you, sighing, placing her head on your shoulder. You wrap your arm around her, and play with the hair which fell from her face. "Right, I need to go somewhere" Sara says, sitting up after 5 minutes of silence.

You cup her face, at first she looks shocked but as soon as you connected your lips with hers you felt a smile on her lips. You guys kissed for what seemed like forever. Sara was the one that broke the kiss, "that was fantastic but I do need to go" she says, kissing your cheek and walking away.

Mick Rory

It was in the kitchen on the waverider

"Want a beer, Mick?" You say, opening the fridge getting one out for yourself. Mick mummers a yes so you get him one too. You opened both of them and placed them on the table. "How did you do that?" You said, helping Mick with his wound. "I fell, I think" he says, taking a swig from the bottle of beer. You decided to help Mick clean up his wound.

Every so often, you saw Mick looking at you lips. Then soon he lent in and kissed you passionately. You gladly kiss back. It was a very short but passionate. You come out of the kiss and took a sip of your beer "you know, Lenny is not going to like that" you laugh, standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

Jefferson Jackson

It was in the medbay on the waverider

"Quickly, get Miss (Y/L/N) to the medbay" Professor Stein says. Jax carries you and places you on a chair. "Quick, Gideon, scan her. Get her better" Jax says, worriedly and keeping pressure on your wound. You laugh, also wincing "Jax, I'm going to be fine. I'm going to live forever" . Jax just looks at you worriedly. "Yeah about that" Gideon says.

Soon Gideon finds out what's wrong and stabilises you. "I told you I was going to live forever" you say to Jax, sitting up on the chair, "be careful Y/N" Jax says, holding your hand. You smile at how kind he is being. He soon leans in and connects your lips together, he places his hand on you hip. You jump, causing the kiss to end. "Ow" you laugh, "oh I'm so sorry" Jax apologises.

Nathaniel Heywood

It was on the waverider in the library.

"I've been told you wanted to see me Heywood" you say, walking into the library. Nate looks up from his book and nods his head. "Yes, I just wanted to see how you were doing" he replies, standing up and walks in front of his desk, book still in his hand. "Why wouldn't  I be alright Heywood?" You ask. He shrugs his shoulders. You walk towards him and warp your arms around his neck. "You know what Heywood" you say, "I'm not even sorry for punching you in your face". Nate laughs.

Nate places his book on the table and wraps his arms around your waist. "If your not sorry for that, I'm not sorry for this" he says. You pull a confused expression but soon no one could see that expression because Nate connected your lips together. They moved in sync with each other. You smile during the kiss, and so does Nate. The kiss breaks and you say to Nate "nope, no need be sorry for that Nathaniel"

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