105| jealousy

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Raymond Palmer

Whenever he gets jealous he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your neck.

Rip Hunter

Whenever he gets jealous he just has words with the member who is constantly flirting with you.

Leonard Snart

Whenever he gets jealous he just stares at the member making them feel very uncomfortable

Sara Lance

Whenever she gets jealous she punches them in their face because that's what a jealous girlfriend does.

Mick Rory

Whenever he gets jealous he just drinks until you give him attention. Sometimes he just plays your favourite musical very loud so you can hang with him.

Jefferson Jackson

Whenever he gets jealous he plays with your hair until you notice him

Nathaniel Heywood

Whenever he gets jealous he just kisses you suddenly making the other member shrug their shoulders and walk away.

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