40|Another team member kisses you

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Raymond Palmer

You are sat in the bridge thinking about your life back in 2017. "Hey, are you okay?" a familiar voice says. You look to your left and see Rip sat next you. "I'm fine, just a bit home sick" you tell him. He brings you into a hug, you smile to yourself. Rip moves your face so you're both looking eye to eye. Suddenly Rip leans in and kisses you. Your eyes open in shock and you pull away. "What do you think you're doing?" You ask him standing up. "Y/N, please be mine, end it with Ray and be mine" he says, walking towards you. You shake your head "I love Ray and no one else" you shout at him, moving backwards. Suddenly Ray comes into the bridge and you run to him and hug
him. "You okay shorty?" He asks you. You nod your head slowly and take Ray out of the bridge, leaving Rip on his own.

Rip Hunter

All of the team are in the kitchen. "I have a game we can play" Sara smiles, opening a bottle of beer, "truth or dare" she finishes. Everyone nods their head in agreement, even Rip. "Okay I'll go first" Sara says "erm, Ray! Truth or Dare?" She continues. Ray smile and replies with "dare". Sara claps her hands and thinks, "got it! I dare you to kiss Y/N" she replied. You open your eyes wider and smile. You look towards Rip and see sadness it his eyes. You walk over to Ray and he stands up. He leans in and kisses you. You had to kiss back. Your hear Rip cough which caused the kiss to end. You smile and walk back to Rip who you kissed on the cheek and whispered in his ear "I still love you Rippy"

Leonard Snart

You sit in your shared bunker with Sara talking. Talking about life in general. She talks about how her life has changed since she got on that boat with Oliver. "Do you think your life has changed for better or for worse?" You ask her. She shakes her head "I don't know, I'm still trying to decided that" she replies to you. She leans her head on your shoulder and being the kinda friend you are, you let her. She then suddenly kisses you. You quickly pull away, "Sara, why?" You ask her walking away. "I don't know what came over me" she tells you. You just shake your head and walk out of the room.

Sara Lance

You're sat in the library reading your book when Leonard walks into the room. "I didn't take you as a book worm?" You ask Leonard and you place the book you were reading on the table. "I'm not really a bookworm" he replies. You smile. You get up to leave the room when Leonard takes your arm, spins your around and places his lips on yours. You quickly pull back, "what on earth" you shout, slowly backing away. "Be mine Y/N" he says, walking closer to you. You shake your head "have you been living under a rock, I'm not into men" you tell him, walking out of the library.

Mick Rory

You sit on the counter in the kitchen while Nate is making a cake. "What type of cake are you making?" You ask Nate. He holds up a box of coco powder., "does that answer your question" he replies. You laugh and nod your head. Nate opens up the box of coco powder and it went everywhere, some of it on your face too. Nate gets a cloth and starts to wipe your face, "you know I'm not a child" you tell him, laughing. You then soon stick your tongue out because you tasted some of it because some was on your lips. Nate then leans in and kisses you. You pushed him away and jump of the bench. "You know Mick's going to kill you, probably before I kill you" you shout at Nate and run out of the kitchen.

Jefferson Jackson

You are sat in the bridge when Mick walks in, with two bottles of beer. "Want one?" He asks you, sitting down next to you. "I'm underage" you tell him, but you take the bottle anyway. "Atta girl" he tells you, taking a swig out of him own bottle. "You're drunk aren't you?" You ask him, he nods his head and laughs. He soon lent in and kissed you. You stood up in shock. "Ew, that's disgusting" you shout, pouring the beer onto him. "Don't come near me you drunk loser" you tell him and then you walk out of the bridge and into your bunker.

Nathaniel Heywood

You're in the engine with Jax, fixing it. "You're doing a good job Y/N" Jax tells you, handing you a wrench. "Why thank you Jax" you laugh. You bend down to pick up another tool and when you stood up Jax was so close to you, faces inches apart. He soon leant in and kissed you. You break the kiss and back away. "Oh no sunshine. Your not getting this" you say, turning back on Jax. "Please Y/N?" He pleads, you shake your head and shout "NO!" And you walk out and head to the bridge when Nate is at.

A/N: these are kinda crappy and I'm very very sorry about that!

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