177| you have to tell your child[ren]they aren't coming home

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Raymond Palmer

You ended the phone call and rested your head in your hands, crying. "Mummy?" Your 5 year old daughter Gracie asks you. You look up to see her face, looking exactly like Ray. "Mummy, what's wrong?" She asks. You pick her up and place her on your knee, "Gracie, you know daddy went away" you start, she nods her head, smiling at the word daddy, "I'm sorry baby, but daddy isn't coming back" you finish, you saw her face, tears started to roll down her cheeks. She wraps her hands around your neck and cries into your neck. You rub her back "I know" you softly say, trying not to cry "I'm sorry" you tell her again, kissing the top of her head.

Rip Hunter

Sara placed her hands on your shoulder "I'm sorry Y/N, but he's gone" she tells you as you cry into her shoulder. "Mummy, what's wrong?" Jack asks you, tapping your arm. You sit up and look at him, pulling him into your lap "auntie Sara has just told me that daddy isn't coming home" you tell him. "He's not coming home today?" He asks, needing more explanation. You nod your head "he isn't coming home at all, ever" you explain more. You saw the tears form in his eyes. You bring him into a hug as you both cry. Sara then brought the both of you into a hug, comforting you both.

Leonard Snart

You sit in your bed, legs up to your chest, your eyes shining due to the light hitting against the tears. Soon, your two girls came skipping into the room, their faces full of happiness. You frown even more, knowing that will go once you tell them. "Mummy, are you okay?" Your youngest daughter asked you. You shake your head "come sit here" you instruct, patting next to you. The two climb onto the bed and sit on either side of you. "Charlotte, Kara, you know your daddy loves you, right?" They nod their heads. With Charlotte being older, she sort of knew what was coming. "Is dad dead?" She asks, wiping a rogue tear which fell down her face. You nod your head, accepting that is happened. The two girls buried their heads into you and cried, you just rubbed their backs and let them let out all their emotions.

Sara Lance

"Lucy!" You shout, needing to tell her some upsetting news. "Yes mum?" She says, skipping into the room. "I have something to tell you" you confess, patting a seat next to you. She sat down and looked at you. "You know mam went away the other day?" You ask her, grabbing hold of her hands. She nods her head "you told me she was going to protect the world" she replied, a smile on her face. You nod your head "yes, you're right but I need to tell you that she died saving the world" you croak, not letting the tears fall down your face. Lucy's smile dropped and tears started to form, you brought her into a hug "just remember Lucy, she dies a legend" you tell her, kissing her on the top of her a head. "A Legend" Lucy repeated.

Mick Rory

"How am I supposed to tell William and Samuel?" You ask your best friend Nate, head resting on his shoulder. "Just tell them confidently to show them That's it's okay when someone dies" he replies. You sit up and smile "William, Samuel!" You call. You hear their little feet tap against the wooden floor. "Yes?" They ask in unison. "Daddy isn't coming home" you tell them, bringing them onto your lap. "What do you mean Mummy?" Samuel asks you, playing with a strand of your hair. "I mean, daddy is dead and he isn't coming coming home" you explain, tears forming in your eyes. William started crying and wrapped his arms around your neck. Samuel cried also, leaning his head on your arm. "I'm sorry" you croaked, accepting what's happening.

Jefferson Jackson

You sat with your cousin Lily, tears streaming down your face. "Mummy, what's wrong?" Hannah asks you, walking into the room with your Auntie Clarissa. "It's daddy" you start "Daddy was saving the work with uncle Stein and they died, the both of them died" you explained, bringing her into your lap. "So daddy's not coming home?" She asks, you nod your head, causing her to start crying. "Shhh" you say, rubbing her back "he died a legend" you tell her, giving yourself a small smile, remembering your times together.

Nathaniel Heywood

You sat in your living room, your 1 year old daughter in your arms. You have just received the news that Nate had died. "James, Arthur I need to talk to you" You shout, you hear them run down the stairs laughing, knowing that they were having fun. "Yes mum" James asks you, sitting down next to you, rubbing the feet of his sister. "Your dad is, your dad is dead" you confess, you saw the faces of your sons drop, tears forming for both of them. "No" Arthur cries, bring his head into your shoulder. James got up and you heard him walk up the stairs "James, please come back" You shout, your voice croaking. You rubbed Arthur's back, comforting him, deciding to leave James alone for a bit to them him think to himself.

A/N: I can't believe I just went here have a wedding series to BAM they're dead again. This was hard to do! I'm sorry. P.S they're gonna be alive for the rest(I think)

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