28| you make up

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Raymond Palmer

You sit in your bunker, crying and eating crisps. Well, mainly junk food. Suddenly your door opens and stood there was Kendra. "And what do you want?" You ask her. She walks further into your bunker and sits on your bed. "I wanted to say sorry, and so does Ray" she tells you, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Why doesn't he tell me himself" you say, shrugging her hand of your shoulder. "That's why I'm here" Ray interrupts, walking into your bunker, "can you leave us please Kendra" he continues. She nods and walks out. Ray sits next to you and takes your hand. "What do you want Ray?" You say to him. "Here goes" he says, "you were gone for a year Shorty, Kendra lost Carter. I thought I lost you. We thought we were both alone, it's just something that happened. I just want to say, my feelings for you have not gone. Please stop hating me and come back into my life" he finishes. You soon had tears rolling down your cheeks. You place your hands on his cheeks. He does the same, wiping the tears of your cheeks. "You haven't lost me Ray" you tell him. You lean in and kiss him, which you've been wanting to do for a year. "It's good to have you back Shorty" Ray says to you as you come out of the kiss, "it's good to be back" you reply to him "especially with you"

Rip Hunter

"Miss Y/L/N please come with me" you hear Rip shout to you. You turn around and face Rip. "What do you want?" You say to him. You and Rip haven't faced Rip for a couple of days because you can really hold a grudge. "Why are you in a mood with me?" He asks you. You sarcastically laugh. "You. You not being nice to the team" you reply to him. He crosses his arms "well, have you seen me be mean to them after our argument?" He asks you. You slowly shake your head. He smile and opens his arms. At first you resist but then you wrap your arms around him. "Please be nice to them from now on" you tell him. He nods his head and kisses you on your head.

Leonard Snart

You were sat in your room, pain in your shoulder. You didn't want to leave the room because you didn't want to bump into and talk to Leonard. Suddenly there is a loud bang on the door, making you jump a little. "Who is it?" You shout. There was a muffled reply saying "It's Leonard". You stand up and walk to the door and open it. You could see that his eyes were puffy, he has been crying. "Why have you been crying Leonard? You haven't been shot by your own boyfriend" you ask him, attempting to cross your arms but completely failing. "Because my girlfriend is hurt and it's my fault and now she hates me" he tells you, croakily like he was going to cry again. You smile "I don't hate you, I just wanted you to admit that you hurt me and I didn't get in your way" you say to him, placing your head on his chest. Not being able to move your arm because of your wound. "Let's get you to the medbay" he says, picking you up and taking you there.

Sara Lance

You sit in the cargo bay, wanting to be alone. Whenever someone came to talk to you, you just shouted at them and told them to go away. You have been sat on your own for what felt like hours, when soon someone sat next to you. You turn to look at the person, getting ready to shout at them when you saw it was Sara. You just sighed "what do you want?" you asked her with a harsh tone. "I want to tell you I'm sorry. I'm sorry for flirting with other people, I'm just not used to being in a relationship. I'm also sorry for calling you clingy" she tells you, placing her hand on your thigh. You turn to look at her and smiled "and I'm sorry for being a cowbag and not letting you be with your friend" you reply to her. You lean in and kiss her cheek.

Mick Rory

You sit in the kitchen with Leonard. Well, Leonard in your head. "Lenny, I don't know what to do. He is so protective and I just want to hang out with Nate but he won't let me. What should I do?" You know he won't reply but it helps you think. There was soon someone sitting next to you. You look next to you and see it's Mick. "I've kinda heard everything" he says slowly "and I want to say I'm sorry. Sorry for not letting you hang out with Nate without getting jealous" he finishes. You look towards me, "promise you won't do anything like that again" you ask him. He nods his head and finishes with "I promise"

Jefferson Jackson

"Rip Hunter, you cheated at that game of chess" you laugh, knocking the chess pieces over. "I'm not a cheater, you're just a sore loser" he tells you. There was a knock on the door, you look to the doorway and see Jax standing there. Your smile dropped from your face. "Can I have a word please Y/N?" Jax asks you. You nod your head and walked toward him. "Yes, what do you want?" You ask him with some aggression. "I wanted to say sorry. Grey told me to think straight. What happened didn't mean to happen I think I was just so angry I just threw fireballs anywhere" he replies to you. You smile and reply with "finally, you understand" he laughs and you hug him.

Nathaniel Heywood

You sit in the library, tears rolling down your cheeks. You just couldn't believe that Nate would cheat on you. You soon notice someone next to you, without thinking you lay your head on their shoulder. "I'm sorry" you head them whisper "I'm sorry for everything, please don't hate me" they finish. You look up to their face and see it was Nate. His face wet from tears, his eyes red from crying. "I don't know if I should accept your apology" you tell him, placing your head back on his shoulder. He starts playing with your hair "I'll make it up to you, please accept my apology and I'll promise I'll be an amazing boyfriend" he tells you, you sigh and smile. "You promise?" You ask him, he nods his head, "you sure?" You say, teasing him. He moves to face you and says again "please". You lean in and kiss him on the nose. "One more chance Heywood" you reply to him, smiling.

A/N: Sorry these are all so bad. I didn't mean to have them so bad. I'm not that good. Sorry again.

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