55| your reaction to their death

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Raymond Palmer

You look through the telescope to check if Ray is okay but the sight you see shows he isn't. Thawne has Ray's heart in his hand. You felt tears forming in your eyes. You hand the telescope to Sara and start to climb over the trench wall. "Y/N" you hear Rip shout as you run towards Ray's lifeless body. You kneel down next to Ray, crying. You never usually cry but this time you couldn't stop yourself. You lay your head on his chest, hugging his lifeless body. Thawne was still stood by his feet laughing. "You dick" you shout, standing up and trying to throw punches at Thawne. "I will kill you to" he threatens you.  "do it, I don't care. At least I'll be with him" you shout at him, tears still running down your face. He shakes his head "I'll pain you even more. I'll let you live" he replies, speeding away. You scream, louder than ever. You pick up Ray's lifeless body and run back to the waverider. Everyone tries to comfort you but you ignored them and sat in yours and Ray's shared bunker and you wore one of his shirts eating ice cream.

Rip Hunter

Rip's weakened body lies on the mud. You kneel next to him holding his hand. "Don't leave me Rip" you croak. He smiles and quietly he replies with "you look after the team Y/N, they don't need me anymore" tears forming in his eye. "I need you. I need you Rip" you tell him, kissing his hand. He coughs, blood spurts out of his mouth. His eyes start to close, his chest stops rising. "NO!" You scream, standing up you kill anyone that gets in your path. You almost killed Sara when she stopped you, "calm down Y/N" she tells you. You shake your head, "my boyfriend is dead. I want him alive and with me now" you shout "I want him here" you continue, breaking down into tears. Sara hugs you, comforts you. You see Mick pick up Rip's lifeless body and take it to the waverider. As soon as your got back into the waverider you put on his trench coat, sit in his office and cry.

Leonard Snart

"Where's Mick?" Leonard asks Rip and he comes running back from the inside. "Someone needs to be holding the oculus for it to detonate and Mr Rory has volunteered himself" Rip replies to him, running towards the wave rider. Leonard shakes his head and runs inside the building. "Lenny" you scream, following him. You run towards the middle and see Mick on the floor and Leonard holding the oculus. "Lenny, why?" You ask him, holding onto his arm. "I want to be a hero" he tells you, smiling "but you are a hero, my hero" you tell him. He smiles and says" now get him and yourself back to the waverider for safety". You shake your head, "I don't want to leave you" you tell him, tears rolling down your cheeks. He smiles "please Y/N. You must remember that I love you" he tells you. You lean in and kiss him. "I love you too Lenny" you reply, softly. You pick up Mick, his gun and Lenny's gun. "Look after each other" he shout at you as you walk out. As soon as you get back to the waverider all you could do is sit in your bunker with no human contact.

Sara Lance

You sit in the medbay with Sara, who was bleeding non-stop. "I'm going to kill the sick bastard" you say, tears in your eyes. Sara laughs, causing her to flinch because of the pain. "Don't Y/N" she tells you. You sigh and shrug your shoulders. She moves her hand and starts playing with a strand of your hair. "I love you Y/N" she tells you, you nod your head and reply with "I love you too Sara". Soon Sara's body starts to weaken even more, her chests slowly moving then coming to a stop, her eyes closed. Her lifeless body there, in the medbay. "No" you cry out quietly. You lay your head on her chest hoping to feel some movement but nothing. You stand up and turn around to see most of the team stood there. You barge past them all and run into your bunker to let all your emotions out.

Mick Rory

Malcom Merlyn shot him. That's the first thing you remember. The second thing you remember is you lashing out. The next thing you remember is you running up to Mick, kneeling down next to him. "Mick, stay with me" you plead, holding his hand and tears rolling down your cheeks. He smiles and shakes his head "my time has come to an end" he tells you, kissing your hand. You shake your head, disagreeing with what he said. Mick's eyes close and his chest stops moving. You then remember someone dragging your body away from his. You end up back into the waverider with Nate hugging you. You cry. "I've lost my brother and now my boyfriend. Why am I the one being punished?" You shout out, it then lead to tears. Non-stop tears.

Jefferson Jackson

You look to your left to see your boyfriend on the floor, an arrow in his chest. You quickly run over to him. "Grey, is Grey okay?" He asks you, you look towards Stein. You nod your head "he is fine Jax, it's you we need to worry about" you tell him. Jax screams and you see him pulling out the arrow. "What are you doing?" You shout at him, putting pressure on his wound. "I'm going" he says slowly, closing his eyes. You place your head on his chest, feeling in rise then fall for the last time. When the movement stopped all you could do was sit with his lifeless body. The last thing you remember is an arrow going through your heart. "At least I'll be with him" was the last thing you said and your weak body fell next to his.

Nathaniel Heywood

You're sat in the medbay with your boyfriend covered in cuts. Blood pouring out some of them. "Nathaniel, stay with us please" you tell him, holding his hand. "I'll try" he softly croaks. You smile and nod your head. You keep hold of his hand while Gideon is trying to help him. "I don't think he's going to make it" Gideon tells you. Tears start to form in your eyes, you grasp Nate's hand tighter. "I love you Nathaniel" you tell him, kissing his cheek. "I love you too Y/N" he finishes. That was the last thing he said. His eyes close and his pulse stops. "He's gone" you whisper to yourself. Ray comes running in "I think I can save him" he shouts. You look to him and shake your head. "You can't, he's already gone" you tell him. Sadness forms in Ray's eyes. He brings you into a hug and you gladly accept. You cry and cry not being able to stop.

A/N: you don't know how difficult it was to write these because I really don't want to talk about my babies dying. Also Leonard death still get me

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