136| Jefferson Jackson Christmas Imagine

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Jax grabs hold of your hand and squeezes it, "everything is going to be okay, my mum is going to love you" he assures you. He knocks on the door and faster as you could say firestorm, his mum stood there in the door way. "Jefferson" she cries, bringing him into a warm hug. "And you must be Y/N" she continues, bringing you into a small hug, "welcome to the Jackson household" she finishes.

You walk in and the smell of turkey and potatoes filled your nose. "Yes, Christmas dinner is ready, so let's eat before we open presents" she smiles, leading you both into the dining room. You sat down next to Jax and he placed his hand on your thigh and gave you a reassuring smile. You took a small slice of the turkey and ate a little. "Mrs Jackson, this is an amazing turkey" you tell her. She thanks you and continues you eat her meal.

Once you all finished the meal, you all exchanged gifts. Mrs Jackson gave you a bracelet with many different, beautiful charms. You gave Mrs Jackson a lovely smelling candle and a new necklace.

It was time for you and Jax to head home, you all say your farewells and you and Jax leave. "I told you she'd love you" he told you, kissing your cheek. You laugh, "I know. Merry Christmas Jax" you tell him, "Merry Christmas Y/N" he replies, as you walk to your car.

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