117| Nathaniel Heywood Imagine

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Requested by: no one

Word count: 595

Move in with me?

It was 2017 and the whole world has gone to shit due to your team messing with time.

"Guys, I think we broke time" Ray says as he looked outside. There were people running, screaming. Big Ben was in America. Dinosaurs were wreaking havoc. "What are we going to do?" Jax asks Sara. She shakes her head, "I-I don't know" she replies, "let's go out and check it" she finishes turning around and walking out. You and the rest of the team following her. Nate grabs hold of your hand, you look up to him and smile, he mirrors that smile. As soon as you walked out, the sound of people screaming hurt your head. You put your hand to your forehead and wince. Nate brings you into his embrace, comforting you. "Look, its Big Ben!" Ray loudly says "I've always wanted to visit Big Ben" he finishes. There was soon a loud roar, everyone turn to look where it was coming from and coming towards you was a t-rex. "Oh shit" you hear Nate whisper. "Amaya, talk to it" he screams, causing your head to hurt more. But as soon as Anaya was going to go dinosaur mode, a bright light flashed in front of you guys and it left. "What just happened?" you ask, still in Nate's embrace. "The time beura happened" a familiar voice said. You all turned around to see Rip Hunter stood in front of you. "Hello there" he says, in a not so nice tone. "Who are the time beura?" Sara asks, in the same tone. "Just my work for the past 5 years" Rip says, smiling "and because of this I have the best thing to say in the world!" He finishes. "And that is?" Ray asks. "You, the legends, are disbanded" Rip says,, with a large grin on his face. You and the whole team had a shocked expression. "Now, you can all go back home" he says and with that he leaves you.

You look up to Nate and you look to the rest of the team. You frown because your life is going to have to change again. This made you breathe more heavily. Your sight started to become more faded. "Y/N are you okay?" you hear Nate ask you. You didn't reply, you just because unconscious in his arms.

~a few hours later~

You open your eyes to see yourself in a unfamiliar room. "Nathaniel?" you shout. He comes in and smiles "are you okay?" He asks, coming to sit next to you. You nod your head "It's nothing". He grabs hold of your hand "if you say so" he says, kissing your forehead. You look around the room again. "I have a question Nate" you say "where are we and where is the rest of the team" you finish off asking him. "We're back at my place and I don't know where anyone else has gone at the moment" he replies. "Are we actually that far into our relationship that I get to move in with you?" You laugh, swinging your legs around, so you're feet are on the floor. You get up and start to walk out of the room. "Yes" you hear Nate shout. You turn to face him. "I do want you to move in with me" he says in a serious tone as he walks closer to you. He grabs hold of your hands "please Y/N" he pleads. You smile "I would love to Nate" and you lean in and give him a gentle kiss.

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