193| Sara Lance Gif Imagine

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You had just come to the Wild West, your favourite place, but the most dangerous place

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You had just come to the Wild West, your favourite place, but the most dangerous place. As soon as your stepped of the waverider you were taken hostage. You were taken to a camp of some sort.

"Y/N has been captured" Sara tells the team as they stood in the bridge "we need to rescue her" she commands. The rest of team nods their heads in agreement.

"But how are we going to do that Ms Lance?" The professor asks. Sara smiles.

"How we always do it, go in there and blow shit up" she replies, folding her arms. Nate laughs, giving a high five to Ray "let's do this" Sara shouts, clapping her hands together.

You sat in a chair with your hands tied to it "my friends are going to rescue me" you spat, causing the man in front of you to laugh.

"What friends?" He asks, touching your cheek with his finger.

"These friends" you hear Nate shout, steeling up and punching the man. He then unties your from the chair and hands you a gun.

"This is for taking my girlfriend" You hear Sara shout and then gun shots causing men to fall down. You laugh. You run towards Sara and kiss her passionately.

"Thanks for saving me" you smile

"I will always save you" she admits, bringing you into a hug.

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