94| Raymond Palmer Imagine

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Requested by: no one

Word Count: 375

Loving secret

"Hey Y/N!" You hear someone shout. You turn around to see Ray running up to you. You smile. You and Ray have been secretly going out for a couple of weeks now. "How can I help you Ray?" You ask him as soon as he ends up closer to you. "Can you come with me?" He asks. You nod your hand. He leads you into his room and then stops. You bump into him, not knowing that he stopped. "I'm sorry" you say to him. He turns around and your faces are inches apart from each other. "I wish our relationship wasn't hidden" you say to Ray as he was looking at your lips. "So do I but it needs to be" he replies, making you pull a confused expression. Ray suddenly crashes his lips onto yours and kisses you passionately. Of corse you kiss back, placing your arms on his shoulders. "What is this I see?" You hear someone shout making both you and Ray jump. The kiss ends and you look towards the door of Ray's room and stood there was Mick. "Oh Mick, hey!" Ray says all giddy "please don't tell anyone about what you just saw" he finishes. Mick smirks and nods his head "oh I won't haircut" he confirms walking away from the room. Ray then turns to look at you and starts walking towards you. To tease him you start to walk back until you end on Ray's bed. "I love you Y/N" he says. "I love you too Ray" you return. He then gives you a short kiss. For a few hours you and Ray sat in his room cuddling. "Everyone to the bridge" you hear Sara say into the coms. You and Ray head together, you walking into the bridge first and then Ray went in a couple minutes later. "We have something important" Sara says, looking towards you and then Ray "Y/N and Ray are going out" she finishes, smiling. You look towards Mick and give him a death glare. "Yes it's true" you and Ray say in sync grabbing hold of each other's hand. "Now back to the actual mission" Sara says after all the congratulations and the mad speech to Mick.

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