153| they propose (wedding series 01)

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Raymond Palmer

You sat in your bunker reading your favourite book when Ray walked in. "Y/N, can I ask you a question?" He asks, sitting next to you. "I think you just did" you laugh, closing your book and placing it on your bedside table. "Y/N, I'm serious" he states. You look at him and smile "go ahead" you reply, pointing at him. Soon your boyfriend dropped down on one knee. "Raymond?" You softly say. "Y/N" he starts "I want to spend the rest of my life with you not matter how long we have. I want you, my best friend and my lover, to be my wife" he finishes, pulling out and box and opening it to show a beautiful engagement ring. Your hands covered your mouth and tears of happiness started to run down your cheeks. You nod your head "yes, I would love to Raymond" you answer. Ray places the ring on your finger and you kiss him passionately.

Rip Hunter

You were walking down the corridors of the waverider when you heard someone shout your name. You turn around to see Rip on one knee, a ring in his hand. "Rip, what are you doing?" You ask him. "I never thought I would love again until I met you Y/N" he starts "I thought I would never meet someone as magnificent as you. Y/N, will you do me the honour and become my wife?" He finishes, and once he did you had tears rolling down your cheeks and a huge smile of your face. "I would love to Rip" you agree, kissing him lovingly. Once you finished, Rip put the ring on your finger.

Leonard Snart

You and Leonard were sat in the bridge waiting for everyone to finish with the mission when Leonard suddenly blurted out "will you marry me?". A shocked expression formed on your face "wait, what?" You ask. "I want you to be my wife" he confirms, holding out the ring. You nod your head "I would love to Lenny" you answer his question, kissing him. "Ring" he says, pulling away. You laugh and nod your head, holding out your hand and he places the ring on your finger.

Sara Lance

"Y/N Y/L/N you know I love you a lot" Sara tells you, holding you hands. You nod your head "of corse I do" you reply, rubbing her hands. "Can you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?" She asks you, going down on one knee. You nod your head "Yes" You reply, placing your hands on her cheeks and leaning down to kiss her. You pull away "I would love to be your wife" you finish as she places the ring on your finger.

Mick Rory

You and Mick were in the kitchen doing your usual. Drinking and eating. You went to get a fresh bottle of beer when you saw a gift on the neck of the bottle. "Mick, what's that" you ask, pointing at the ring. "It's and engagement ring, I want to to marry me" he says, taking another bite of his burger then he looks at you, smiling. "You actually want to marry me?" You ask, wanting confirmation. He nods his head. "I would love to marry you" you answer, putting the ring on your finger and you kiss him passionately.

Jefferson Jackson

You were in 1984 and you were stuck. Yours and Jax's relationship improved drastically. You were sat in the park eating a picnic which Jax made. "You are a really good cook Jax" you compliment, taking a bite out of the cake. "My mums recipe" he replies. A few moments passed when Jax took out a small box. "Y/N, I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you do me the honour and become my wife?" He asks, tears of happiness flowed down your cheeks and you nod your head. "I would love to Jefferson" you answer, as he puts the ring on your finger. You pick up a glass and smile "to our future" you say, Jax clinks his glass against yours "to our future" he repeats.

Nathaniel Heywood

You were sat in the library. Nate reading a chapter of his favourite book. "The man said to the love of his life, will you marry me?" He says. You pull a confused expression "I'm pretty sure that's not what happens" you say, looking towards Nate to see him kneeling down with a box with the most beautiful ring in. "I know, but this is our story" he replies. "So, will you?" He asks again. You nod your head "I would love to Nathaniel" you answer, kissing him and then bringing him into a hug as you repeat "yes". Nate pull away and smiles "Can I give your the ring now?" He asks, you laugh and nod your head. He places the ring on your finger and kisses you again.


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