140| your reaction to the outfit they chose

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Raymond Palmer

"Are you ready to see the outfit?" Ray asks you, hiding the items behind his back. You nod your head "show me" you smile, holding your hands out. Ray hangs the hangers on your hands. You hold them up to get a better view. "Wow Ray" you say "these are really pretty" you continue "now turn around and let me change" you finish. Ray turns around and you dress into the outfit. "Now you can turn around" you say. He turns around and smiles "I made a good choice didn't I?" He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Yes you did Raymond" You reply, kissing him softly, "I think I might allow you to choose my outfit again someday" you finish, kissing his nose.

Rip Hunter

"I can't believe I actually allowed this" You say nervously, taking the outfit off Rip. You quickly change into it and look into your body length mirror. "Okay, it isn't that bad" you start to say, "you've actually done well Rip" you finish, putting your hand in your pockets. "You don't understand Y/N, I'm actually very good with fashion" he tells you. You laugh "yeah, I think this is a one off" You reply. "Shall we get to work?" He asks. You nod your head and walk out of your shared room.

Leonard Snart

You look on your bed to see an outfit laid out for you. You smile to yourself "oh Leonard" you whisper. You put on the outfit and Leonard soon come in. "So, I guess we are having a lazy day?" You ask him as he wraps his arms around your waist. He nods his head "if that's okay with you" he asks. "Of corse that's okay with me" You reply, leaning your head back on his chest. "Guys, Rip needs us" Ray says into the comms. "Y/N and I can't help today, sorry" Leonard replies back into the comms and turns it off, "it's just going to be me and you" he finish, kissing you on your cheek.

Sara Lance

You dress into the outfit the Sara got you for your birthday. "It's very comfortable" You say to Sara as she walks into your shared room. "I knew it would be, that's why I got you it" she replies, kissing you on your cheek as she walks past you. "I also got you this" she explains, holding out a box with a beautiful necklace in it. "Aw Sara, it's beautiful" you tell her. She places the necklace around your neck. "Now I'm always going to be with you" she smiles as you place your hand on the pendant.

Mick Rory

"Mick Rory, you actually chose a decent outfit" you laugh, spinning around showing the whole outfit to your boyfriend. "You have such low expectations for me Y/N" he smiles, grabbing your hands. "Babe, I'm only messing" you explain "that's why you love me" you finish, kissing his cheek. "Tone down on the pda" Your brother shouts as he walks past. "Shall we go and kick someone ass?" Mick asks you. You shake your head "na, let's hang out together and have cake" You reply, taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen.

Jefferson Jackson

"Jax, it's adorable" you tell him, spinning around. "Well, I do have a good sense of style because have you seen what I wear?" he explains, doing exactly what you did. You laugh, putting a necklace on for a finishing touch. "Okay, but soon can I chose your outfit for a day?" You ask, taking hold of his hands. He smiles "I guess so". You smile and hug him "thank you. I have the perfect thing for you". He pulls you away and smiles "it better not be something weird Y/N" he replies. "Oh, it's not" you smile back, kissing his cheek.

Nathaniel Heywood

"Orange is so you colour" Nate compliments, standing back to examine the outfit he gave you. "It's beautiful Nate" you say, turning back round to look in the mirror. He spins you around and you rest your arms on his shoulders. He rests his forehead on yours "I love you" he whispers, kissing you passionately afterwards. You pull away "I love you too Heywood" You reply after, "Now, Shall we go for a walk?" You ask, putting some shoes on. He nods his head "sure" he replies, putting his shoes on.

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