06| Who you are jealous of

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Raymond Palmer

You are jealous of Kendra, they're always laughing whenever they are together and Kendra always seems to flirt with him.

Rip Hunter

You are jealous of his wife. Yes she may be dead but all he ever talks about is her whenever he is upset.

Leonard Snart

You are jealous of Sara. Whenever they are together Sara always flirts with him which annoys you a lot

Sara Lance

You are jealous of everyone. A lot of people seem to flirt with her but you don't blame them.

Mick Rory

You are jealous of no one because no one seemed to have interest in him to make you jealous

Jefferson Jackson

You are jealous of no one because no one seemed to have interest in him to make you jealous.

Nathaniel Heywood

You are jealous of Amaya. Whenever they are together they always flirt with other.

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