25| your first argument

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Raymond Palmer

You have just got back onto the waverider, which you've been away from for a year, after the team has just saved your from a gang of misfits who kidnapped you. "Hey, has anyone seen my boyfriend?" You ask the team, walking onto the bridge. "He might be in his bunker" Sara replies. You smile and walk to Ray's bunker. As you got to Ray's bunker, the door was a little bit open. You looked through the crack and saw him mouth to mouth with Kendra. Tears start to form in your eyes. You have just been tortured and alone and wanting to be in your boyfriends arms but now your want to punch him in the face. You open the door and cough. They stopped and both looked at you. Ray had guilt in his eyes. Kendra had happiness in her eyes. You had hate in your eyes. "What the hell?!" You shout, tears now rolling down your cheeks. Kendra smirks and Ray replies "Y/N, it's not what it looks like". Your eyes opened wider "it's not what it looks like? You are kissing another girl when you are going out with someone else" you reply, croakily. Kendra just stands there, you tighten your hands into fists trying not to punch her. "Do you know what that shows?" Kendra says. "Just leave" you shout, pointing out of the door. She places a hand on Ray's chest then walks out. "Seriously Ray, I thought we had something" you reply. He shrugs his shoulders "We do" he replies. "Then why were you kissing Kendra?" You ask, crossing your arms. Tears still rolling down your cheeks. "Erm.." he replies. "No answer eh?" You shout, "you don't know how much I wanted my boyfriend but I can't stand to be near you right now" you finish. You turn around and walk away. "Y/N, please" you hear Ray shout, running to you. You stop in your tracks and turn to face him "Ray, please stay sways from me" you shout in his face. His eyes start to fill with tears also. "I'm staying away from you so you have to stay away from me" you continue. You turn away and walk away from him.

Rip Hunter

The team walks back onto the waverider. Rip sarcastically clapping. "Well done guys, you did wonderfully" he says. "Here it comes" you say, crossing your arms. You see everyone leave you and Rip on your own, knowing that something bad is going to happen. "Here comes what?" Rip asks, angrily. "You. You having a go at the team" you reply. "Well, you did fail the mission" he shouts back. "We didn't fail the mission Rip, your just not happy because the others showed their powers"  you shout. You sigh. "God Rip,  your so pathetic. Everything is always negative with you. Look at the positives Rip" you reply and walk away from him. "I'm pathetic, look at the way you're acting now" Rip shouts to you as you continue to walk away, "shut up Rip" you reply.

Leonard Snart

You sigh as you walk into the medbay. Feeling pain in your right shoulder. You touch your wounded area, flinching as soon because of the cold feeling. "That son of a gun" you whisper to yourself. You sit on the chair and stay there. "It's your fault Y/N" Leonard shouts at you as he walks into the medbay. "My fault, how is it my fault?" You reply, "you're the one that shot me". He laughed. You roll your eyes. "You need to be more careful" he says, "I need to be more careful? Your the one shooting everywhere, not being careful" you shout in his face. "If your not careful, I'll shoot you again" he replies back, more harshly. "Do it Leonard, do it. I dare you" you reply back, sitting up and grabbing Leonard's gun, pointing it to your heart. Then you grab his hand and place it on the trigger, "come on then. Shoot me".  Leonard looks at you, deciding not to shoot you, "I knew it" you say, standing up. You shake your head and walk out of the medbay, "don't talk to me Leonard, and don't blame me for your mistake" you shout behind you. "Stop being a cow Y/N" you hear Leonard shout. You laugh and continue walking.

Sara Lance

You walk around the waverider, looking for your girlfriend Sara. You look into her bunker and see her sat with Snart, very close. Flirting with each other. You walk in, "Sara, what are you doing?" you ask Sara. She moves away from Snart, shaking her head "nothing". You roll your eyes. Leonard stands up and walks out of the room, "I'm going to leave you ladies alone" he says. "Your flirting with Snart. In fact, you flirt with everyone" you shout at her. She shakes her head, and rolls her eyes. "I don't flirt with anyone" she shouts back. "Yes you do" you reply. Sara walks over to you, you move backwards. "Don't come near me Sara" you tell her, turning away from her. "God Y/N, you need to stop being so clingy and jealous" she replies back to you. "Me, clingy? Jealous? Ha, in your dreams" you shout, still walking away from her. She sighs and walks away from you.

Mick Rory

You sit in the kitchen with Nate. Your best friend. "Hey, Nate" Mick says walking into the kitchen "stop hitting on my girl" he continues. You roll your eyes, crossing your arms. Nate smiles at you and walks away. "What do you think your doing?" You ask Mick, standing up. "He is hitting on you, and your mine" he replies. You laugh "I am no ones property" you shout at him. He sits down and opens a bottle of beer. "But your my girlfriend and he was hitting on you" he replies to you. You shake your head, "nope, he is my best friend Mick, we were just doing what friends do." You reply, walking out of the kitchen not wanting to be near him right now because he was annoying you.

Jefferson Jackson

"Let's merg" Professor Stein says to Jax. They merg, as you fire lasers towards Vandal Savages soldiers. "Let's kick their butts Y/N" Jax says as soon as he became Firestorm. For the next 5 minutes, there was lasers and fireballs flying everywhere. Suddenly you felt your arm burning. You look towards Jax and he shrugs and carries on fighting. So do you. As soon as you got back to the waverider, you head to the medbay. "He shot me" you whisper to yourself. Who did Miss Y/L/N?" Gideon asks you as she helps you with your arm. "Jax did of course" you reply to her. "You were in my way Y/N" Jax says to you, as he walks into the medbay. "I was not in your way Jax, you hit me on purpose" you reply to him. "On purpose?" He questions you. You nod your head, "yes, on purpose" your continue, "I can't believe you shot your own girlfriend. He laughs "I didn't shoot you, you were in my way" he shouts at you. You laugh and you stand up. "Bye Jax" you say, walking out of the medbay.

Nathaniel Heywood

You walk into the library trying to find a good book to read. However, instead of that you find him kissing Amaya. You suddenly feel your heart breaking. "Nate Heywood, have you found another girlfriend" you say, crossing your arms. They pull away from each other. Amaya smiles and walks out of the library. "Y/N, I can explain" Nate says walking up and placing his hands on your shoulders. You step away from him. Tears start to form in your eyes and roll down your cheeks. "You can't explain anything Nate, you were kissing another girl" you croakily say. "Can you stop being clingy" Nate says, crossing his arms also. "I'm not being clingy, I just don't want my boyfriend kissing another girl" you say, letting out all your anger on the word "my". He sighs and walks out of the library. You pick up the cushion on the chair and scream into it, letting out more anger.

A/N: omg, these are all so bad, different in length and cringy, I'm so so sorry. I tried my hardest, I just ran out of ideas.

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