159| you try on the wedding dress for the first time (wedding series 07)

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Raymond Palmer

You look in the mirror and smile. The dress fit your figure perfectly. One small tear of happiness rolled down your cheek. "It's beautiful" you whisper to yourself. "Knock Knock" you hear Caitlin say out side the changing room, "can we have a look?" she asks. You nod your head even though she couldn't see you. You opened the door and did a little spin. "Wow, that's beautiful Y/N" Caitlin complements. "Ray is going to fall in love with you again" Felicity says, handing you a glass of champagne. "To your wedding" Felicity toasts. "To my wedding" you chant back.

Rip Hunter

You stood in the wedding dress shop, your dress on you and Sara stood behind. "You look beautiful Y/N" she compliments. You turn around and smile at her "I do, don't I" you laugh. She laughs also. "Rip has chosen a great woman to marry him" she compliments again. "Sara, you're too kind" you say, deciding to compliment her back. "It's true" she replies. "So, is this the dress" the worker asks you. You nod your head, "yes. Yes please" you answer as you look into the mirror again, confirming your love on the dress "this is the perfect dress" you finish, taking a sip out of your champagne glass.

Leonard Snart

"I can't believe my brother is getting married" Lisa says, as you straighten the skirt of your dress. You laugh "I know, I was surprised too" turning around to show her the front of your dress. "That's beautiful, he's going to love it" she compliments. "I think this is the one" you say, she nods her head in agreement. She hands you a glass of champagne. "I'm definitely the maid of honour?" She asks you, taking a sip out of the glass. You nod your head "of course you are Lisa and don't think other wise" you tell her, taking a sip out of your glass. "You taking the dress?" The worker asks you. "Yep" You reply, sipping out of your glass again.

Sara Lance

You look into the mirror and saw that the dress fit your figure perfectly. You walk out of the changing room and stood in front of Iris and Felicity "So, what do you think?" You asks them and you spin around. "It's beautiful" Iris says, taking your hands, "you look like a princess" she replies. "A princess marrying an assassin, fantastic" you laugh, straightening out the skirt of your dress. "I think the sash suits it so much" you continue, rubbing your arm around your waist. The other two girls nod their head in agreement. "Sara is going to love it" Felicity smiles, handing you some champagne. "Too the future Mrs Lance" Iris toasts, you all clink all your glasses.

Mick Rory

"Nate, I need you to be honest, does it look good?" You say, walking out of the changing room. As soon as you walk out he smiles "Y/N, you look beautiful! He says "Mick's gonna love it" He finishes. He takes hold of your hands so he could look at you better. He nods his head with agreement with what he said. "Look at the back" you say, turning around. "This is a brilliant dress" Nate says. You smile and bring him into a hug, "You're such a great friend" you compliment. He smiles. "Are you taking the dress?" The shop worker asks you. You smile "yes please" you answer.

Jefferson Jackson

The dress you chose was sweet and simple and it fit your figure perfectly. "It's beautiful" you say to yourself. "Y/N, can I have a look" Iris asks you. "Yeah" You reply, opening the door and showing her the dress. She smiles "Y/N, it's beautiful" she replies. You not your head in agreement. "Jax is going to fall in love all over again" She continues, handing you a glass of champagne "you think?" You ask for reassurance. She nods her head "I know so!" She tells you, placing a kiss on your cheek.

Nathaniel Heywood

You spin around in front of Amaya and Zari, "what do you think?" You ask them, once you finish spinning. "It's amazing" Zari compliments. "Beautiful Y/N" Amaya compliments also. "You think" you ask for reassurance. The both nod their head with big grin on their faces. "This day is going to be magical for the both of you" Zari tells you, you nod your head in agreement "of course it is, we are marrying our soul mate" You reply, laughing. Zari laughs to and nods her head "yes you are. And you're going to look like a princess" she tells you. You smile "thank you Zari" you thank, bringing her into a hug, "careful, you don't want to crease the dress" Amaya warns, you pull away, laughing.

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