08| Where they like to kiss you

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Raymond Palmer

He likes to kiss you on the lips. The usual. He likes to do it unexpectedly aswell. 

Rip Hunter

He likes to kiss you on your nose. He finds it cute when you scrunch up your nose afterwards.

Leonard Snart

He likes to kiss you one your cheeks. He likes to kiss your cheek randomly.

Sara Lance

She likes to kiss you on your forehead. Whenever your sat alone, she kisses you there.

Mick Rory

Your hands. He always takes your hands and kisses them at random times.

Jefferson Jackson

Your cheeks. Whenever you come out of a hug he always kisses your cheek.

Nathaniel Heyewood

Your neck. Whenever he hugs you from behind he always kisses your neck, making you smile.

A/N: Double update in one day, whoo!

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