133| Leonard Snart Christmas Imagine

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You finishing tying the bow on the present. You smile to yourself, hoping that Leonard would like the present.

You stand up, the present in your hands, and walk downstairs to see Leonard sleeping on the couch with Charlotte sleeping on top of him. You pick up your 5 year old daughter and took her upstairs to her bed. "Lenny" you whisper, walking back towards him. You kiss him on the forehead and his eyes open slowly. "Where is Charlie?" He asks, sitting up slowly. "She is in her bed, don't worry" you say, sitting next to him. "I've got you something" You continue, holding out the present. "But it's not Christmas Day" he says, taking hold of the present. "I know, but it's the day before and it's a tradition on my family to open a present on Christmas Eve" you argue. He smiles and starts to open the present.

Once he unwrapped it, sitting on his lap was a box. He took the lid of the box and there was a new top. He took the top out and smiled "it's amazing Y/N" he says, giving you a kiss on your forehead. He then looks into the box again to see if he has missed anything and in the Centre was a pregnancy test with a positive sign on. "You-You're pregnant?" He asks, wanting more confirmation. You nod your head, a huge smile on your head. "Oh, I love you Y/N" he shouts, engulfing you into a hug. "This is the best Christmas ever" he says, excitedly.

A/N: I just wanna let you know, I'll be posting many things these next two days because I want all Christmas imagines posted before Christmas!

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