74|Rip Hunter Imagine

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Requested by: no one

Word count: 302

Welcome Back

Sara walks back into the bridge with a smile on her face. The normal Rip is finally back. The whole team stand around while they wait for Rip to come in. He walks into the bridge with his trench coat on. You walk over to Sara and whisper in her ear "am I allowed to slap him?" You ask her. She laughs and nods her head. You smile a big smile. "You know, you nearly ruined Star Wars" you hear Ray tell Rip, "sorry about that" Rip replies to Ray. Rip continues walking down the team and he soon got to you. A smile appears on his face. You look towards Sara and she nods your head, accepting your action that's going to happen. Rip smile was knocked off his face when you slapped him. "What was that for?" He asks you, placing a hand on his cheek. "That's for time scattering us and shooting Sara" you tell him, crossing his arms. Sadness forms in his eyes "I'm terribly sorry about that" he tells you. You place your hands on his cheeks and kiss him passionately. You've missed your boyfriend a lot and you are very happy that he is back. You break the kiss and place your forehead on his. "I've missed you Rip" you whisper to him. "I've missed you too Y/N" he whispers back, kissing your nose. You smile and hug him, wanting to be in his embrace for a while. "Now all that's happened we need to know where the last piece of the spear of destiny is, do you know?" You hear Sara ask Rip, you and Rip come out of the hug, leaving an arm around your waist he looked at Sara and a serious look comes onto his face. "Yes, I do" he replies.

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