02| Who you are related to

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Raymond Palmer

You are Cisco Ramon's sister, well long lost sister which he has no idea about.

Rip Hunter

You are Martin Steins niece. You do enjoy having a great scientist as an uncle.

Leonard Snart

You are Damien Darhk's daughter but you don't like him as a father so you pretend he's not, so you use a different name.

Sara Lance

You are Barry Allen's cousin. He is your favourite cousin and you are his.

Mick Rory

You are Leonard Snart's younger sister. You were the youngest of the Snart sibling, but only by 10 months.

Jefferson Jackson

You were Oliver Queen's god daughter. You lost your family when you were a baby but you count him as family to feel safer.

Nathaniel Heywood

You are a Lance sister. The youngest one at that. You were also the least favourite by your parents but Sara and Laurel always made you feel welcome.

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