155| the rest of the team find out (wedding series 03)

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Raymond Palmer

You and Ray were sat in your bunker, Ray looking on his phone and you playing with your engagement ring. "When are we going to tell the rest of the team?" You ask him. He turns of his phone and smiles "whenever you're ready" he replies, kissing your forehead. "I'm ready but are you?" You ask him. He nods his head, the smile still on his face. You walk hand in hand to the bridge to find the whole team there. "Where we called in for a mission?" Ray asks, Nate nods his head "yeah but we decided to let you guys out of it" he replies. "Why?" You ask. "Because we know what you're about to tell us" Sara replies "and you're allowed to stay off one mission" she finishes, taking your left hand looking at the ring. "Yeah, were engaged" you confirmed. A chorus of congratulations and hugs came from all around. You smile at your fiancée, happy that the cat is now out of the bag.

Rip Hunter

Straight after you got engaged Sara walks past. "Now what's happened here?" She asks you two. "We just got engaged" Rip replies, kissing your cheek. "No way!" She shouts "that's amazing" she finishes, giving you a hug and congratulating you. Soon Stein and Ray came walking past "I'm confused with what happening" Stein says to Ray, pointing to you three. "Y/N and Rip just got engaged" Sara confirms. Ray and Stein then do the exact same thing that Sara did. By the end of day everyone on the team found out.

Leonard Snart

The rest of the team came back onto the bridge. "We needed your help" Ray said, annoyed. "Sorry, we just lost track of time" your replies, walking towards the centre, "what happened like?" You finish. "It doesn't matter anymore" Stein buts in. "How did you lose track of time?" Mick asks, confused. You hold out your left hand to show the engagement ring. "Seriously?" Kendra smiled. You nod your head. "Congratulations Y/N" was said half a dozen times while you received a lot of hugs. "Lenny is getting married" Sara smiled, nudging him. He laughed and kissed the top of your head "yep and to the love of my life" he whispered in your ear.

Sara Lance

Sara was still on one knee and Rip walked past. "Miss Lance, why are you on one knee?" He asks Sara. She smiles "I just proposed to Y/N" she answers, showing Rip the ring. "Congratulations you two" He congratulates, bringing you both into a hug.  You walk hand in hand onto the bridge. "Guys, Sara and I have some news" you say, entering. Everyone looks at you with a serious look on their faces. You laugh at their expressions. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad" you confirm. "Then what is it?" Amaya asks. "Y/N and I are engaged" Sara announces. Everyone in the room smiled and "Congratulations" echoed around the bridge.

Mick Rory

Leonard walked past the kitchen "now now, what happening here?" He asks. "Mick just asked him to marry me" you answer. "My best friend and my little sister are getting married, wow" he replies, picking up your hand and looked at the ring, "lovely ring" he finishes. You nod your head in agreement. "Did I hear that Y/N and Mick are engaged?" Ray says into the comms. "Yes we are" Mick replies back "now shut up haircut" he finishes. "Mick, don't be rude" you tell him, slapping his arm gently. "I'm sorry" he apologises.

Jefferson Jackson

You finished eating your picnic when the waverider suddenly landed in front of you. "They've come back" you say, aghast. Jax nods his head. "Jefferson, you're alive" Stein says, as the cargo bay door opened. "Of course I am Grey" Jax laughs, bringing him into a hug. "So did I miss anything?" He asks. "Jax just asked me to marry him" you interrupt. A happy face formed on Martins face. "Astonishing" he grins, bringing you into a hug, "just wait until the rest of the team hears" he continues "they will be so happy" he ends. You nod your head "but let us tell them please" You ask him. He nods his head "of course!" He tells you, bringing you back into the waverider.

Nathaniel Heywood

Amaya walks into the library, mid way through your happy tears. "Y/N, why are you crying?" Amaya asks you. All you could do was show her your hand and the ring. "Oh, congratulations" Amaya congratulates, bringing you into a hug. "I knew you guys would get married, even by your 21st century standards" she confirms, smiling at you guys. She then leaves the room and you look at Nate with a confused expression "I seriously didn't expect that" you laugh "we also need to tell the rest of the team" you tell him. He nods his head and says into his comms "y/n and I are engaged, just to let you guys know" And looks at you and smiles. You just roll your eyes and kiss his cheek "This is why I love you" you laugh.

A/N: don't forget you can request your own imagines!

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